Crisis Unfolds: Mary Charles Hospital Pharmacy Inoperable for Over 10 Months, Leaving Rural Patients Stranded

For more than 10 months, the pharmacy at Mary Charles Hospital has remained eerily silent, leaving a devastating impact on rural East St. Kitts. Patients, many of whom are elderly and reliant on vital medications, now face an arduous 8-mile journey to Newtown or JNF pharmacies in Basseterre. This additional burden is an insurmountable challenge for those already struggling, especially the emergent “Ultra Poor” who can ill-afford transportation costs.

The absence of a pharmacist at Mary Charles Hospital exacerbates the situation, rendering the pharmacy utterly nonfunctional. The residents of Molyneux and neighboring areas bear the brunt of this dire healthcare crisis, exposing a systemic decay in health services across the nation.

Desperate citizens have sounded the alarm, beseeching Prime Minister and Health Minister Dr. Terrance Drew for immediate intervention. They implore swift action to restore access to critical medications, a lifeline for countless lives in jeopardy. The suffering of the elderly and the Ultra Poor cannot be allowed to persist. Urgency is paramount, for lives hang in the balance.

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