St. Kitts and Nevis’ 3rd Prime Minister Expresses Concern Over Water Crisis

In a recent statement on the popular Talk Show Straight Talk with Ian Patches Liburd , St. Kitts and Nevis’ 3rd Prime Minister, Dr. Hon. Timothy Harris, voiced his deep concern regarding the current administration’s handling of the ongoing water crisis in the nation. Dr. Harris did not mince words when he criticized what he saw as incompetence and bungling at the highest levels of the government.”I am concerned about the incompetent handling of the water problems,” Dr. Harris stated. “This administration is totally out of its depth. People are suffering. Water is life. Without water, our residents are forced into an unhealthy and stressful situation.”Dr. Harris went on to highlight the proactive measures his government had taken to address the long-standing water issues in the country. These measures included commissioning Shadwell in November 2018 to bring 400,000 gallons of water per day to Basseterre and contracting for well #2 at Shadwell, despite facing setbacks due to arsenic contamination and COVID-19.He emphasized the importance of taking responsibility for addressing these challenges, urging the current government to stop blaming others and swiftly implement solutions that were already paid for.The message from Dr. Harris is clear: actions, not words, are needed to resolve the water crisis and alleviate the suffering of the people of St. Kitts and Nevis.

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