Today, Sunday November 1, 2020 the Ministry of Health received confirmation of six new cases of COVID-19. This brings the total number of cases diagnosed in country to date to a total of 84.
Case #79 is a 44 year old male from the Babonneau district
Case #80 is a 33 year old female from the Vieux-Fort district
Case #81 is a 65 year old female from the Castries district
Case #82 is a 4 year old male from the Vieux-Fort district
Case #83 is a 27 year old female from the Castries district
Case #84 is a 62 year old female from the Vieux-Fort district
All of the cases, following testing for COVID-19, were in quarantine awaiting their results. Five of these cases were identified through the contact tracing process. Epidemiological links have been established in five of these cases. Case #79 is linked to case #65. Cases #80, #82, and #84 are linked to case #59. Case #81 is linked to case #50.
As per protocol, arrangements have been made for the transfer of these individuals into care at the Respiratory Hospital.
As we proceed into the coming week, the team at the Ministry of Health will continue contact tracing, testing, and placing cases in care. This week let’s be guided by the new advisories that were issued by the Government of Saint Lucia last week. We ask all who will be within their work environments, commuting via public transportation, going into public places to transact business or going through the routine daily activities, to have a level of awareness. Ensure in undertaking all activities that you remain aware of the need to act in ways that will reduce your risk of being exposed to the COVID-19 virus. Our behaviours to prevent exposure to the virus do not only benefit us personally. Our behaviours also benefit our families, colleagues, neighbours and friends. By
taking responsibility for our health, we will be creating a safer, healthier environment for all and reducing the threat of COVID-19 in our country.
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