Will He go or Will he Revolt
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By Nathan ‘Jolly’ Green. September 02, 2020.
The upcoming elections in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, should they be a worry to all democratic countries in the Caribbean as well as the USA?
The question needs to be asked now and prepared for now, if Ralph Gonsalves loses the election, will he head a revolution to stay in power.
Peter Binose was an amazing guy when it came to looking into the future; everything he wrote was correct at the time, has come to pass, or is looming on the horizon of the future.
He wrote so much political expose that the Vincentian ULP government, and in particular Ralph Gonsalves called him an internet crazy, and passed laws designed to silence Binose, called a national cybercrime strategy.
The new law, which the Caribbean nation’s Parliament approved in 2016, broadened the previous criminal defamation provisions to include what the now decided was cybercrime, among which is was described as online expression and added vague and subjective definitions of “cyber-harassment” and “cyber-bullying”, which are designed to carry potential prison terms. [“Shut up Binose, or go to prison forever, or perhaps the mental home to get some drugs to correct your mind.” Unfortunately for Binose, but fortunately for Gonsalves, Binose died in London in 2017]
Many organizations at the time called on SVG to reverse this law, they objected to it.
Association of Caribbean Media Workers
Committee to Protect Journalists
International Press Institute
Reporters Without Borders
Canadian Journalists for Free Expression
Center for Independent Journalism – Romania
Center for Media Freedom and Responsibility
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Freedom Forum
Human Rights Network for Journalists – Uganda
Independent Journalism Center – Moldova
Index on Censorship
Institute for the Studies on Free Flow of Information
International Press Institute
Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance
Media Rights Agenda
Pacific Freedom Forum
Pakistan Press Foundation
Palestinian Center for Development and Media Freedoms – MADA
PEN American Center
PEN Canada
PEN International
Vigilance pour la Démocratie et l’État Civique
Both Binose and myself had called on Ralph Gonsalves to state what he meant when he told the World “I Ralph Gonsalves want to say I am here to do the work of Maurice Bishop” because it is known as a fact that the Russians and Cubans supported Bishop, many believe in the hope he would take over the whole Caribbean in a chain reaction series of communist Coups.
In 2012 Binose wrote a fascinating story called ‘Were the Vincentian Marxists ever close to revolution?’ This was published throughout the Caribbean, the hemisphere, and has since been repeated many times world-wide. Every word the truth and written from records, public accounts, and newspaper reports.
In that story, Binose tells of a yacht arrested at Villa beach, called Sayonara which was loaded with guns and ammunition. This story was about events in 1979 when SVG was believed to be on the verge of revolution, and it was thought by the prime minister of that time that the guns found on the Sayonara were to be used for that purpose.
Well since then Binose wrote hundreds of stories about Venezuela, about smuggling cocaine at Argyle airport, about Ralph Gonsalves alliance with the Castro’s of Cuba, Hugo Chavez, and Nicholas Maduro of Venezuela. All revolutionaries, all Marxist communists. I also wrote some articles repeating many times the words of Vincentian hero, Peter Binose.
Now with the elections around the corner, bribery underway for weeks giving away millions of dollars’ worth of building materials, under a sham scheme called Lives to Live. The recipients all expected to vote ULP. Suppose the ULP is willing to carry on this dirty procedure still to try and ensure a winning success at the elections. It shows they are ready to do anything, all the things that happened at the last election. All the fraud, all the dirty tricks, all the bribery. So, if they lose how about a revolution, would they go as far as a revolution?
I raise these questions because, on August 15, 2020, an aircraft loaded with guns and ammunition which was destined for Saint Vincent was arrested. But alas to those waiting for it, there was a permanent delay by the customs and police at Miami airport, when they arrested the pilot and co-pilot, two Venezuelans.
The Vincentian police chief a Ralph Gonsalves chosen man, St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) police chief, Colin John says the jet intercepted in Miami on Saturday [August 15, 2020] was “fully loaded, from the cockpit back to the lavatory, with cases and boxes of weapons, ammunition and household goods” was not bound for SVG, notwithstanding the flight plan filed with U.S authorities.
On Tuesday night August 18, 2020, a rapid three days after the incident, Commissioner of Police, Mr John said he had been briefed on the matter, he asserted that CARICOM IMPLEMENTATION AGENCY FOR CRIME AND SECURITY (CARICOM IMPACS) confirmed that the aircraft in question was not destined for St. Vincent and the Grenadines; the country name was used only as a decoy,” the Police Public Relations and Complaint Department said in a press release late Tuesday night.
We may well ask how CARICOM would know that? Perhaps Ralph Gonsalves told them because he is currently the Chairman of CARICOM and besides that, he is also their spokesman on all matters relating to air transport and air control. I would guess that Colin John was told to make the statement by Ralph Gonsalves.
There have been many denials regarding Venezuela and Saint Vincent over the last 15 years. Remember how the bag of cocaine mysteriously turned into a bag of washing powder in Union Island, and all the Venezuelans were released despite having had a shoot out with police resulting in deaths. Then there have been lots of cases of Venezuelan shipped cocaine turning up in Europe aboard yachts via the distribution hub SVG, caught by European police forces and denied by SVG. Other shipments of something arrived at the ET Joshua airport, boxes and packing cases that bypassed customs inspection, loaded straight onto a truck, and driven away. The drug dealer, while being prosecuted, claimed drugs were unloaded on a beach to police and a ULP politician. Peter Binose wrote about Argyle to be used for shipping cocaine. One of the latest stories was about the expose of an offshore bank in Kingstown sending money on behalf of Maduro to the leader of the Spanish Catalan political party. The ULP government denied it despite paperwork supporting the transaction appearing on the internet. Strangely enough within a couple of weeks, the bank had pulled out of SVG and relocated elsewhere. The very latest is a planeload of arms and ammunition, a Venezuelan plane destined SVG, denied by the SVG police chief.
So how about it, is there a need for the long-term comrade who just cannot give up power, to have a revolution? He wants to stay forever, will there be a revolution if he loses the election?
I must ask the question because of his revolutionary background. Surely it must be a fair question to ask?
International media reports are that the private jet was loaded with 82 firearms, including a sniper rifle, plus 63,000 rounds of ammunition.
The firearms included a Barrett .50 calibre sniper rifle and 18 rifles. The cache also had a firearm suppressor, body armour, as well as undeclared cash and endorsed cheques worth over US$20,000.
The Vincentian police chief also said according to reports “one of the defendants said after being arrested that the aircraft’s ultimate destination was Venezuela.
But I have to ask with all the connections Venezuela has with the Russians, Chinese, Iranians, and just about every dirty group and dirty country in the World, why would they need to buy arms and ammunition in the U.S. when if the asked any of their allies they would send enough weapons to sink Venezuela, free?
I believe those arms were destined for SVG; I would like to see the cancelled cheques.
Before I sign off there are two questions that I have asked before and remain unanswered
1/ Is Ralph Gonsalves an honorary member of the Cuban Communist Party?
2/ Were Vincentian police officers sent for training in Cuba during the last two years?
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