Who will be the next Governor-General of St.Kitts-Nevis?

The New Team UNITY Administration has been in office barely a month and already they are being held to what many consider unreasonable standards as far as the implementation of new policies. This has been the topic of widespread discussion no doubt generated by the now Labour Opposition who are already showing indications that they will be as arrogant and obnoxious in opposition as they were in Office.
One of the many topics that has been dominating the political landscape is the post of Governor –General. Anyone who has even remotely been following SKN politics would know that the relationship between the then Team UNITY Alliance opposition now ruling Administration and the now Governor-General Sir Edmund Lawrence have been far from cordial. Lawrence’ failure to seemingly even acknowledge the Opposition Alliance obviously did not go down well with Team UNITY or with the country. It is little doubt that the Team UNITY Admin will visit the Queen to request the removal of Sir Lawrence and advise on his proposed replacement.
A number of noted personalities have been circulated as possibilities for the post. Among the names are former TDC Chairman Micheal Morton. Morton has been a long time figure both in the business and political landscape of the country. His contribution as a noted business executive is well known. The First Elected Female Parliamentarian Ms Constance Mitcham is another name that has been touted as a possibility. Ms Mitcham is revered for her pioneering initiatives on behalf of women as the Minister of Women’s affairs during the PAM/NRP Administration of 1980-95. She was also the first woman to serve as Ag Prime Minister in 1992. Former Deputy Prime Minister the Sam Condor is also one of the names that has been circulating. Sam is widely regarded as one of the most loved political figures in the history of SKN Politics. Tapley Seaton QC, the former Attorney General is also another noted figure that has been touted as a possibility for the Governorship. Theodore Hobson QC on Nevis has also been touted as a possibility. Former Governor-General Sir Probyn Inniss has also been mentioned as a possibility. As well as The Country’s First Prime Minister Dr. Rt. Hon Kennedy A Simmonds has also been named by sources as a possibility. He may also be seen as the most popular choice as well.
The new Team UNITY Administration has not given any indication whether they will remain with the current Governor-General and who they will be considering as his replacement. However it is quite obvious that the current administration will have difficulty with GG Sir Edmund Lawrence moving forward.
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