Which Hollywood Actors would you pick to play St.Kitts-Nevis politicians in a feature film ?

Imagine for a second a feature film based on the local politics St.Kitts-Nevis . Imagine you are put in charge of casting for this feature film project. Your Budget is unlimited so you have free reign to select any actor or actress you see fit. There is enough intrigue, drama, suspense in our country’s political history to make at least 10 feature films.
Now if you were to produce a feature film on our country’s political history which hollywood actors would you pick to play the roles of our key political figures throughout the years. We came up with a list of our own so below is our list of the featured roles and the hollywood actors who we think would play them ideally

hollywood actors skn politicians smaller

• Robert Bradshaw – Sydney Poitier
• Sir Kennedy Simmonds -Denzel Washington
• Dr Denzil Douglas – Wesley Snipes
• Dr. Timothy Harris-Laurence Fishburne
• Dr. William V. Herbert – Morgan Freeman
• Lee L Moore – Louis Gosset Jr.
• Dr Simeon Daniel –Forrest Whittaker
• Vance Amory –Danny Glover
• Sam Condor –Sam L Jackson
• Shawn Richards –Will Smith
• Paul Southwell –Charles S Dutton
• Mark Brantley – Terrance Howard

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