This year from the 14th to the 28th February, 3,961 cruise passengers were dispatched to taxis, compared to only 243 cruise passengers, who were dispatched to open air safaris. From the 1st to the 13th of March, 4,019 visitors were dispatched to taxis, while only 592 visitors were dispatched to open air safaris. Also, from the 14th to the 31st March, 5,542 visitors were dispatched to taxis, while 1,220 visitors were dispatched to open air safaris.
In total, 13,522 cruise visitors were dispatched to 1,799 taxis, while on the other hand a total of 2,055 cruise visitors were dispatched 155 open air safaris.
Yes, we do have challenges, however the Ministry of Tourism and the St. Kitts Tourism Authority are working, with close consultation with stakeholders to improve the system. It is a work in progress, and for the system to progress we must listen to each other, and work together to improve on the way we do business. |
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