St Lucia to host ICT Week in September

CASTRIES, St Lucia. March 6, 2023—St Lucia is the latest Caribbean country to embrace a regional initiative to accelerate national development priorities.
Called St Lucia ICT Week, the initiative will bring together business leaders, government officials, ICT professionals, academics, and members of civil society, alongside local, regional, and international experts to explore practical ways in which public policy changes, business initiatives and technical training can together address the challenges hindering growth and development.
The five-day initiative is scheduled to kick off in Castries from September 11 to 15. It is being organized by the Caribbean Telecommunications Union, the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN), and the Caribbean Network Operators Group (CaribNOG), in collaboration with Government of Saint Lucia, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, the Internet Society, and the Internet Registry for Latin America, and the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States.
“This regional initiative brings together a diverse group of local, regional, and international stakeholders to tackle the key issues that impede technology-enabled development in the region,” saidBevil Wooding, Director of Caribbean Affairs at ARIN and co-founder of CaribNOG.
Grenadian Prime Minister Dickon Mitchell recently described the initiative as relevant to the Caribbean digital revolution, and called for businesses to work with governments across the region to accelerate national development through digital transformation.
“We are looking forward to helping enhance St Lucia’s capacity to leverage technology to create employment and accelerate economic growth,” said Gerry George, Commissioner, Saint Lucia National Telecommunications Regulatory Commission, and chair of the local organizing committee for the event.
“The opportunity to draw upon global experience and international expertise to help shape our future is an opportunity not only for local businesses and government ministries, but for all Saint Lucians interested in development and progress.”
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