St.Kitts-Nevis Government Launches Most Modern eGovernment Portal in the Caribbean

(ZIZ News) — On Thursday morning, the Government of St. Kitts-Nevis officially launched the Information and Communication Technologies Governance Board, and the official website of St. Kitts and Nevis.


The launch was held under the auspices of the Attorney General, The Hon Vincent Byron and took place at the Ocean Terrace Inn under the motto “Transforming a Nation Through Technology and Innovation.”


Prime Minister Dr. Timothy Harris

Prime Minister, Dr. The Hon. Timothy Harris said the launch of the E-Government suggests that the Team Unity Government is open to a more modern approach to further the development of St. Kitts and Nevis.


Attorney-General Vincent Byron Jr.

“It is indeed a pleasure for me to be associated with the launch of the Government’s E-Portal today. Today of course, as you would hear from those who have the prowess and the skill in this area, we advance the standing of the Team Unity Government as a modern government, progressive enough to embrace the future and all the efficiencies and efficacies associated with ICT” Dr. Harris said.

Attorney General and Minister of Communication, The Hon. Vincent Byron said he was very excited about the launch and explained that taking this technological step forward was necessary as it would help solve the everyday challenges that the government faces.

He added that the most interesting feature of the launch is the convenience of processing transactions online.

“This platform, this portal, so exciting is the transactions board. Transactions, whether it is we are going to be able to pay our utility bills, telephone bills, well electricity bills, water bills online, from your cell phone, desktop, whether it is you’ll be able to apply for a passport online, whether it is you’ll be able to renew your driver’s license, visit the voters’ list to see if your name is on it, a picture list so that, that would have access whatever it is, we will hope that this portal would be able to build out each and every service the government delivers to the people over time” Byron explained.

The launch of an E-Government aims to deliver public services to people in a more cost effective and convenient manner.

E-Government harnesses Information and Communication Technologies such as broadband and mobile computing, to transform service delivery and convenience to citizens, businesses, and various arms of government instead of manual processes that rely solely on the use of paper and people

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