St.Kitts-Nevis Anguilla National Bank Directors Complete Intensive Accreditation Programme

Several directors of the board of the St.Kitts-Nevis Anguilla National Bank recently completed the Directors’ Education and Accreditation Programme (DEAP).
The programme which is an initiative of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (ICSA) in Canada, has been developed for directors of public, not-for-profit or governmental organisations, and those considering becoming a director of such an organisation.
The Directors along with others from throughout the region completed the sharply focused programme where they were exposed to critical content in the following modules: Corporate Governance, Financial Disclosure and Reporting, Corporate strategy and Enterprise Risk Management. The successful Directors will now be awarded the Accredited Director designation (Acc.Dir.) and receive membership in the Chartered Secretaries Canada’s Affiliate Group.
The Directors will now be in a much better position to oversee the governance of the institution which is the largest of it’s kind in the region.
The St.Kitts-Nevis Anguilla National Bank team that participated in the programme were Directors Analdo Bailey, Wallis Wilkin, Talibah Byron, Lionel Benjamin, Elreter Simpson-Browne, Board Secretary Stephen Hector and Chief Retail Banking Officer (CRBO) Donald Thompson .
Directors from other institutions from throughout the region including Bank of Nevis, Bank of Monsterrat in addition to Senior Executives and Civil Servants and Permanent Secretaries from Dominica, Grenada, St.Lucia among others from across the Caribbean took part in the Intensive 4-day Accreditation Programme.
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