St.Kitts-Nevis Accountant General Department Disassociates itself from Opposition SKN Labour Party circulated document. Describes the Opposition Efforts as “Morally Repugnant”
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The Opposition St.Kitts-Nevis Labour Party’s steady dissemination of Cambridge analytica influenced and styled mind-bending propaganda and untruths has once again come under heavy fire from yet another major institution. The Opposition , over the last few years in particular have engaged in the steady dissemination of untruths directed at the ruling Team Unity administration in an effort to not only discredit the highly successful administration but also even worse to create instability in the country. The latest tactic used is the circulation of a document which purports to be the salary slip of a Senior Officer in the Prime Minister’s Office. The document is being peddled around social media by well known Opposition surrogates and fake profiles. In a statement issued by the Accountant General’s department the documents being circulated not only ncorrectly reflects the salary of the officer but the document itself is not an authorized document of the department. The statement further emphatically condemned the ppublication and the circulation of the document ,particularly as it does not accurately reflect the truth.
See Full statement below:
Statement from the Accountant General Department Tuesday 16th July 2019
The attention of the Accountant General Department, Ministry of Finance has been drawn to a document circulating on Social Media purporting to represent the salary of a Public Servant assigned to the Office of the Prime Minister. The figure shown in the document does not accurately reflect the regular monthly salary of the officer. The Office of the Accountant General finds the unauthorized dissemination of employee personal data morally repugnant and unethical, especially as the information disseminated is not an honest reflection of the facts.
In this regard, the Accountant General Department wishes to disassociate itself from such a document and to assure all Civil Servants, Government Auxiliary Workers, Pensioners and the General Public that all personal information are held in the strictest confidence.
Office of the Accountant General
Accountant General Department
Ministry of Finance
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