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BASSETERRE, ST. KITTS, (APRIL 9TH, 2017) — Something Good is Happening in St.Kitts-Nevis! This seems to be the sentiment of most according to the latest Don Anderson poll which shows that if an election were to be held now, Prime Minister Dr. the

Don Anderson

Honourable Timothy Harris and his Government of National Unity would be re-elected to serve for another five-year term in St. Kitts and Nevis.  

The Poll not only shows an overall satisfaction for the 2 year Old Government but it also indicated that Team Unity would expand its constituency count, adding to the seven seats that its candidates won during the February 16th, 2015 general election. 

The privately commissioned poll was conducted among 506 registered voters in all 11 of the constituencies in the Federation during March 2017. 

Presenting findings of the poll yesterday, Saturday, April 8th, 2017, in St. Kitts, Mr. Don Anderson said that, “We were able to get information from a range of demographic persons; in other words, by gender, by age, by socioeconomic group and by constituency as well.”  

The prominent pollster from Jamaica, who established his highly reputable firm Market Research Services Limited in 1975, also said that, “From a constituency perspective, Team Unity is well positioned – if an election should be called now – to be re-elected, having improved their 2015 election constituency count based on the intention to vote measure.”

Speaking yesterday, Mr. Anderson added: “Let me break that down a little bit more.  Every time one does a poll during the course of a five-year span from one election to the next, we ask a question: ‘If an election were to be called now, who are you likely to vote for?’ and, generally, you find that the further away you are from an election date or a constitutionally due election date, the higher the number of people who say ‘I’m not sure or I don’t know.’”

Mr. Don Anderson continued: “In this particular situation, we found
those numbers [persons saying they are not sure or that they do not know who they would vote for] a little lower than normal, which means that people are energized in the whole election process or political process.”

The prominent pollster went on to say: “In the context of Caribbean polls, this is good!” 

He explained: “Right now, we are almost at midterm.  In another few months, we will be at midterm, and to be in a position of comfort, relative comfort, midterm is a little bit different.  It’s not usual because in everywhere that we have worked – and we are talking about almost right through the Caribbean – midterm governments tend to be lagging behind.”

Mr. Don Anderson noted that, “In this particular situation, we find Team Unity has actually done a good job in the eyes of the general public, to be so positioned that people say they would vote them in for a second term.” 

Notably, Mr. Don Anderson, Executive Chairman of Market Research Services Limited, correctly predicted the outcome of the last general election in St. Kitts and Nevis based on polls that he conducted prior to voters casting their ballots.  

Team UNITY 50 Plus Accomplishments -2 Years

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