Sunday 17th July in the historic village of Tabernacle before another massive unified crowd, in Constituency # 7 the People of St.Kitts and Nevis proclaimed full confidence and support for Dr. the Honourable Timothy Harris as Prime Minister of St. Kitts & Nevis. They all shouted in unison, “Harris Again!!!”
There many other notable persons who came on the night to endorse the Prime Minister. Such as former minister Ambassador Ian Patches Liburd who spoke from the heart about his friend, brother and colleague. He reminisced on their past working relationship together in parliament and in cabinet, helping Team Unity to usher in the most prosperous days in St. Kitts & Nevis’ history. Patches stated that, “I understand we in St. Kitts & Nevis are on a critical path at this time. The decisions that we will make today will have a direct impact on our children’s future. They want us to return to leadership based on lies, deceit, corruption and violence. They do not care about the people of this country. They only care about power. Those who would risk the future of St. Kitts & Nevis, our children’s future, our economic stability, our prosperity, our good governance structure, our peace so they can have power. Therefore, do like me. Vote PLP!!!!” He continued to state that he stands in solidarity with Dr. Harris who is the best of them all and is a Good man for the people. The Peoples’ Champion!!!”
Everyone in attendance celebrated the leadership of the Prime Minister. A massive crowd of all people from PAM, Labour, CCM, NRP, young people, senior citizens, women, entrepreneurs, Haitians, Dominicans were present and welcomed.

Dr. The Honourable Timothy Harris Prime Minister stated that prosperity is available for all. He went on to state that, “Others have left you behind, but I will never leave anyone behind. Forward Ever, backward NEVER!!!”
Prime Minister Harris thanked the constituents of #7 who understand that he is the Prime Minister of St. Kitts & Nevis and he must be everywhere for everybody. He thanked them for remaining faithful and loyal and that there are always in his thoughts and heart every day. He stated that, “I know you and you know me“.
The Prime Minister Dr. Hon. Timothy Harris laid out the plans of his PLP lead government to continue securing a prosperous future and which will usher in an age of peace and prosperity for all the people of St. Kitts & Nevis. The Prime Minister boldly stated that, “Now is not the time to go back to the age of political tribalism, victimization and corruption. And to ensure this, I need all 8 seats”. This was one of the most powerful statements made by Prime Minister Harris, along with, “If you want a secure future for all our children, Vote PLP”.
It was at that moment the Prime Minister Dr. Hon Timothy Harris took out and began to ring the symbolic orange clad school bell. Then, fulfilling his constitutional authority and responsibility, he announced to the nation that he has informed the Governor General His Excellency Sir. Samuel Weymouth Tapley Seaton GCMG CVO QC JP that the date for nominations will be on Tuesday 26th July 2022. Also, that the date for the 2022 General Elections will be on Friday 5th August 2022.
The massive crowd went into a frenzy chanting, “Harris Again! Harris Again!! Harris Again!!!” The night ended with fireworks and music way into the night as everyone was ready and enthusiastic about creating history.
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