Saint Lucia records cases #221 to #223 of COVID-19

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Monday, November 23, 2020
by Ministry of Health

Today Monday November 23, 2020, the Ministry of Health received confirmation of three new cases of COVID-19. This brings the total number of cases diagnosed in country to date to 223. Case #221 is a 32 year old female from the Soufriere district Case #222 is a 42 year old female from the Castries district Case #223 is a 44 year old female from the Gros-Islet district All of these individuals, after being assessed and tested for COVID-19, were placed in quarantine by health practitioners while awaiting their test results. At this point, the contact tracing team has not been able to establish an epidemiological link for these three cases to any of our prior cases and investigations are ongoing. As per protocol, arrangements have been made to place the confirmed cases into care. The new total number of active cases currently in country is 115. At present, all of the active cases are stable and doing well. To date, Saint Lucia has recorded a total of 106 recoveries in country. The Ministry of Health reminds the public that anyone who has been tested for COVID-19 is placed in quarantine while awaiting their test result. During this time, these individual are to remain at home until they have been contacted by a health care practitioner with their test results. During this time, these individuals are to remain at home until they have been contacted by a health care practitioner with their test result. These individuals should not leave home for work or to attend to personal matters and no one should be visiting their homes. Let us continue to practice the infection prevention and control guidelines that will help to reduce exposure to the virus: – Wash and sanitize hands often during the day – Ensure a mask is always used while in public and ensure it covers both the mouth and nose – Sanitize frequently touched surfaces often using a bleach solution – Maintain a separation of six feet from others which is about two arm’s length apart – If experiencing flu-like symptoms, keep away from others and seek medical care immediately at the closest respiratory clinic – Avoid contact with other people who have flu-like symptoms The Ministry of Health and Wellness will continue prov

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