Saint Lucia is scheduled to submit inaugural reports to the US IRS in September | FATCA data submission deadline, Friday

Saint Lucia is scheduled to submit inaugural reports to the US IRS in September. All reporting Saint Lucia financial institutions and non-financial entities are hereby reminded that the deadline for the submission of Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) data is Sep. 16 at 11:59 p.m. Entities should access and register on the Saint Lucia FATCA portal at
Please note that FATCA reporting is mandatory for all relevant entities, pursuant to the Inter-Governmental Agreement (Saint Lucia and the United States of America) Act No. 19, 2016. This legislation can be purchased from the National Printing Corporation. In addition, further information on FATCA, including guidelines and procedures and the Inter-Governmental Agreement between the United States and Saint Lucia, can be viewed at
Saint Lucia is scheduled to submit the first FATCA report, to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) of the United States of America on Sep. 30. FATCA requires all relevant entities to provide information on certain financial accounts held by US citizens, or entities in which US citizens have controlling interests. The Inland Revenue Department solicits the cooperation of all relevant entities. For further information please email the compliance officer at: Comptroller, Inland Revenue Department
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