Prime Minister of St Kitts and Nevis Will Discuss Options in 24 November Webinar with Times of India
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LONDON, Nov. 17, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — On November 24, the Times of India, in collaboration with London-headquartered legal advisory CS Global Partners, will host a webinar on Citizenship by Investment (CBI). The concept originates from the Federation of St Kitts and Nevis, a Caribbean twin-island nation that established their CBI Programme in 1984. Prime Minister Dr the Honourable Timothy Harris will take part in the webinar, as will the CEO of the country’s Citizenship by Investment Unit, Mr Les Khan.

St Kitts and Nevis recently announced a significant, but temporary reduction in the amount that qualifies families for CBI. Until January 15, 2021, families of up to four can obtain citizenship by making a US$150,000 contribution to the Sustainable Growth Fund. They must first pass all the due diligence checks which are considered some of the strictest in the world. In a recent webinar with Gulf News, Mr Khan explained that it is the fast and efficient processing that makes investors choose St Kitts and Nevis’ ‘Platinum Standard’ Programme now, in particular.
“We are very satisfied at this time to have the best Programme and we commit, going forward, to continue to provide a competent and reliable service,” PM Harris told Gulf News. “We commit that we will always be the most innovative Programme available, and, of course, we value the choice that we have developed over all these years with our clients, with governments far and near.”
In light of the ongoing pandemic and investor trends, the Prime Minister noted: “At this particular time of uncertainty, I believe investors are looking not just at acquiring citizenship but acquiring it in a country which is peaceful, which has strong rule of law, and which is growing or has that capacity.” PM Harris made reference to the World Justice Project’s Rule of Law Index, which places St Kitts and Nevis in the world’s top 25% for rule of law. “The rule of law is strong, property rights are respected, our judiciary is working and working well,” he added.
St Kitts and Nevis had an efficient response to preventing the spread of COVID-19, with only 19 confirmed cases and no deaths. The country started its economic recovery early on.
Click here to register for the webinar.
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