Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew Continues Generous Support for Louisa Grant Pre-School

In a heartwarming display of dedication to education and community, Prime Minister Hon. Dr. Terrance Drew reaffirmed his commitment to the Louisa Grant Pre-School in Conaree with a generous donation of essential items. During his visit to the school on the morning of September 4, 2023, Dr. Drew presented Teacher Paulette Phillip with several electric fans, a much-needed laptop computer, and vouchers for both past and present students of the institution.

This act of generosity is not an isolated event but rather a continuation of Prime Minister Dr. Drew’s steadfast support for the school over the past decade. His regular visits, donations, and annual attendance at the school’s graduation ceremonies have made him a cherished figure in the Louisa Grant Pre-School community.

Dr. Drew’s commitment to education and the well-being of his constituents serves as a shining example of leadership, emphasizing the importance of nurturing future generations and fostering a sense of community pride.

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