Prime Minister Dr. Hon. Timothy Harris Meets with Nationals in New York

Meeting in Manhattan

PM Harris speaking to Nationals at meeting in Bronx , NY

PM Harris speaking to Nationals at meeting in Bronx , NY

Prime Minister Dr Hon Timothy Harris met with nationals of St. Kitts and Nevis resident in New York, USA on Sunday 27th September in two separate meeting events in Manhattan and the Bronx.  The Prime Minister who is leading the St. Kitts and Nevis delegation to the 70th  General Assembly meetings of the United Nations took time out to discuss with and met hundreds of nationals  and informed them on developments taking place back home.

In delivering brief remarks at the Manhattan event the Prime Minister thanked all for their support in bringing about a change in the political direction in the Federation.  He stated that the persons in the diaspora played a significant role in bringing about the success of Team Unity in the February 2015 general elections. Whilst in the Bronx he  asked all present  there to pray for the government of National Unity and the country.  The Prime Minister encouraged nationals present at both events to put aside political differences and do what they can to build a St. Kitts and Nevis that they will be proud of.  The PM encouraged nationals to continue to support the new Team Unity government and to stay in touch with developments in the Federation.

Meeting in Bronx

Meeting in Bronx


PM Harris with Nationals in Manhattan

At both sessions PM Harris  commented on some challenges related to the political transition taking place in the Federation.  He stated that as promised there will be no victimization, but civil servants are expected to put their political positions aside and do their work. The Hon. Prime Minister told the citizens present that in dealing with all the challenges he refuses to lead a government that is transactional but is ensuring that the new administration is transformational.  He said that the government has its heart and mind in the right place.  The Prime Minister promised a fair share for all Kittitians and Nevisians both at home and in the diaspora.

Also delivering brief remarks at the gathering was Ambassador to the United Nations, His Excellency Sam Condor.   Ambassador Condor, as usual commented on his desire to serve in whatever capacity his country needs him to.

A lively question and answer session period followed the presentations  from the Prime Minister Harris and Ambassador Condor at the Manhattan meeting.  During this session, questions were raised on the Sugar Workers Restoration Fund Payout, the role of citizens living in the disapora and  the status of the missions and consulates among other areas.

In the Bronx PM Harris referred to the theme of this year’s celebration of independence “United in Building a Strong Nation”, the Prime Minister, said that it was not by accident that this theme was chosen but as a reflection on the direction which his administration wants to take the country so that St. Kitts and Nevis can become the best small nation in the world.  “Our country will be as great as our people.  The strength of people comes from the unity of the people” said the PM.

PM Harris interacting with pretty little  girl who was delighted to meet the Prime Minister

PM Harris interacting with pretty little girl who was delighted to meet the Prime Minister

The Prime Minister, expressed his pleasure in the tremendous response of nationals who hailed from all works of life in St. Kitts and Nevis. He stated that the comraderie was excellent and his delegation felt very welcomed.

Present at the gathering was Permanent Secretary, Office of the Prime Minister, Mr. Osbert DeSuza, Mr. Carlisle Richardson, of the St. Kitts and Nevis UN Mission, who chaired the meeting.

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