PM Drew Spent 21 of 30 Days Off Island in June: Citizens Express Disgust and Concern Over Extensive Overseas Travel

Citizens of St. Kitts and Nevis are voicing increasing dissatisfaction, concern, and condemnation regarding Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew’s extensive overseas travel and engagements. Criticism has escalated following revelations that PM Drew spent 21 out of 30 days in June away from the country on international commitments.

The unprecedented frequency and duration of these overseas trips have sparked widespread debate and discontent among the public. Many citizens and critics argue that such extensive travel is not only excessive but also raises questions about the priorities and focus of the government during a critical period.

Concerns are particularly heightened as citizens question the necessity and impact of these trips on domestic governance and responsiveness. Calls for transparency and accountability regarding the purpose and outcomes of these engagements have intensified, reflecting a growing sentiment of disillusionment among the electorate.

As the discourse continues, citizens are urging for clarity and reassurance from Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew and his cabinet regarding their commitment to addressing domestic issues and priorities amidst the backdrop of extensive international travel.

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