PAM Leader Natasha Grey-Brookes Calls for Immediate Action Following Surge in Violent Crime

In response to a recent surge in violent crime, including two murders over the past weekend, Natasha Grey-Brookes, leader of the People’s Action Movement (PAM), issued a powerful statement highlighting the urgent need for an effective and comprehensive national security plan.”The recent tragic murders within our communities have highlighted the urgent need for an effective and comprehensive national security plan. On behalf of the PAM – The People’s Action Movement, I extend our deepest condolences to the families of the victims,” Mrs. Grey-Brookes expressed. “Two murders in three days, contributing to a total of 19 murders in the first seven months of 2024, are deeply concerning.”Grey-Brookes acknowledged Prime Minister Dr. Terrence Drew’s recent emergency meeting with the High Command of the Police and Defence Force, where he expressed grave concern over the surge in gun-related incidents. However, she emphasized the need for immediate action backed by clear, short-term goals and solutions.”The discussion on increased patrols, strategic deployments, enhanced intelligence operations, and community engagement initiatives is a step in the right direction, but it must be swiftly translated into tangible results,” Grey-Brookes stated. “The government must urgently follow through on its commitment to providing the necessary resources to combat this threat and restore peace. The Drew Labour government’s previous lack of a coherent national security plan has left our communities vulnerable. These newly discussed measures must be implemented effectively and without delay.”Mrs. Grey-Brookes reaffirmed PAM’s readiness to support any initiative that ensures the safety and security of citizens. “The People’s Action Movement stands

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