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By: Dr. Charles Warner
It is said that in the meeting he said that if he had lost the High Court case, the place would a mash up.
In 2015 the Unity construct lost the case at the High Court. Taking the civilised way, convinced it was in the right, the Unity construct went to the Appeal Court of the OECS. Not satisfied with the results, the case was taken to the Privy Council in the UK. Justice ultimately prevailed.
In essence, he did not plan to go to the appeal courts, but planned to bring chaos to the State. He succeed in the 1993-1994 period, and thus reinforced to cause riots in St. Kitts and Nevis again. In essence he said that he has no respect for the court. Actually, it seems as if the courts like him more, and are afraid to offend him.
In fact he has ‘no respect for’ either court, or constitution and he feels exempted from the laws he made for Lindsay Grant and Shawn Richards.
Labour – Douglas type – speaks of the Bryant Clause. Well, now we have the Grant-Richards laws. It is hoped that those who are quick to speak take note of this.
The lawyers for him – Anthony and Astaphan – told all that the case was a political witch-hunt. So, what is the case with the law passed to target Grant and Richards of the PAM? The law was passed to stymie the Opposition ie PAM. History simply repeats itself. It was done in 1967 as there was the aim to kill all Opposition. They don’t call these acts political witch-hunt.
His utterances in the public meeting are examples of why the young people are turning to guns and homicides to solve whatever they see as the problem. This is the vicious cycle that prevails.
He does not want the RSS here, by his behaviour and utterances, encouraging the young people to break the laws.
For those who see him as a leader, taking note of his ways to resolve conflict will surely do the same.
The teen males and those in their early twenties do not take cases or their grievances to the court. They execute each other, no respect for the law. And this is what the once leader is urging.
Disregard the court decision and cause mayhem and murder. As already said, in the mind of this former PM, he succeed with violence in the 1990s and is thus reinforced to try the same thing.
A wise man once said, “nothing fails like success”, If he thinks he will stir up trouble in the public, causing the loss of life, limb, and property and get away as in the early 1990s, he will find that he is making a grave mistake.
By law, he who stirs up public disorder is committing an offence. Also that person is responsible for danger to man or property.
As said, it is clear why he is so adamant that the RSS should go. He wants no impediment in his way. However, many know that this man is a “softie”, trying to be a bully. As the older folks said, “You got bully and bully cooler”
This man has a history, a litany of utterances with the aim of instigating social unrest. Every rope has an end.
Some of us are really stupid. The man who is urging their offspring into sound violence, has made sure that his are secured in Education, wealth and status.
In their case their children are not wearing mortar boards, but going into well-varnished caskets, six feet under. Who are not six feet are behind the bars of 1840.
It is a clear case of exploiting the vulnerable young people, leading them astray. They are encouraged to break the law both by his acts and utterances. There are the young people who he hopes will join him in breaking the laws. He is not encouraging them to employ the law and settle their differences. But to cause public disorder. Of note, too, the same court that seems to deify him and respect him is bearing the bearing of his scorn and disrespect.
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