Nevis Records Highest Crime Detection Rate in 2 Decades. Major Crimes Down 31% from 2014

Charlestown, Nevis (March 5th 2017) The Nevis Division of the Royal St.Christopher-Nevis Police Force is boasting vastly improved performances with regards to their operations and Crime fighting success. At the 14th Annual Constables Awards Ceremony held at the Occassions Entertainment and Conference Center Superintendent Trevor Mills in his overview and report of the performance of the division for 2016 revealed that the division showed improvements with regards to their overall crime fighting efforts.
Supt Mills revealed “By the end of 2016 the statistics show the Nevis Division recorded 202 reported crimes of which 114 were detected. The percentage of detected reported crimes committed for the year 2016 is 56.43%, which is above the acceptable international standard and the highest in twenty years in the Nevis Division; in fact in the Federation.”
The Superintendent also highlighted the Statistics of Major Crimes

Supt Trevor Mills
between 2014 and 2016. The statistics showed that overall Major Crimes were down significantly from 285 cases in 2014 to 202 in 2016, a drop of some 31%. Major Crime include Murder, Attempted Murder, Robbery, Breakings, Larcenies, Armed Robberies, Malicious Damage, Drugs, Wounding, Arson, Unlawful Carnal Knowledge, Rape, Shooting At, Firearm Smuggling and Assualt with Intent to Rob. Murders, Attempted Robberies and Breakings ALL showed declines Supt Mills revealed. He also indicated that there were 5 firearms removed from the streets of Nevis during 2016
During his Address to the Ceremony and in providing an overview of the performance of the Nevis Division Supt Mills also highlighted the fact that Officers in the Nevis Division benefitted from a number of training courses in 2016. The Courses were as follows:- RSS Section Leaders Course· All Arms Advanced Drill and Ceremonial Course· Gender Sensitization course· Court Prosecutors Course and Enhanced Constable Development Course .
The Ceremony was attended by Prime Minister Dr. Hon Timothy Harris, Premier Vance Amory and Senator Akilah Byron-Nisbett.
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