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Sazam Hull speaking on NRP PLatform during recent campaign
Charlestown, Nevis (December 24th 2017):- The Opposition Nevis Reformation Party’s recent Landslide election defeat has seemingly sent the 47 year Old Party into a tailspin with fingers pointing everywhere as they try to figure out where they went wrong and what were the main reasons behind the party’s worst election loss in its almost 5 decades old history. One of the main reasons pointed out by leading members and activists of the NRP is the lack of support and seeming abandonment by their coalition partners the Dr. Denzil Douglas led St.Kitts-Nevis Labour Party. According to well placed sources and confirmed by a recent posting by a well known leading activist and member of the NRP the party received absolutely no support, help or assistance from their St.Kitts based colleagues the SKN Labour Party. Both parties have worked together since forming an official alliance after the 2010 Election where NRP Federal MP Hon. Patrice Nisbett was officially named a member of the SKN Federal Cabinet. In all the elections both federal and local, since 2010 up to 2015 the SKN Labour Party had provided tremendous support to their coalition partners the NRP on Nevis. Interestingly it must be noted that since their official alliance with the SKNLP the NRP has never been successful at any election either at Local or Federal Level.
In a commentary posted on social media a well known leading member and activist of the NRP Mr Sazam Hull blasted the SKN Labour Party accusing them of abandoning NRP and declaring that SKNLP can no longer look across the narrows for any support from any party on Nevis.
The NRP Activist and platform speakers as well as a leading force of the new leadership movement within the NRP stated in a social media post “The federal elections in 2010 saw Labour winning 6 seats in St. Kitts and PAM winning 2….However 2 of the seats that were declared for Labour were challenged in court and to make things safe NRP joined with Labour….2013 Tim and Sam decided that they both had enough of Dougie and they crossed the floor….Had NRP left the whole government would have fell but NRP stayed and government was able to be in power until 2015….Now in 2017 when NRP was looking financial assistance Labour and Dougie were not there to assist….I know time is longer than rope and history has a way of repeating itself….The one thing I will say is you all wont be dealing with the same leadership and persons like before…..Take that from me Wayne St. Clair Nathaniel Challenger Hanley Sazam Hull…..This is not just coming from a person from Nevis it is coming from one from BROWN HILL!!!!!”
The recent sound defeat of the NRP is yet another nail in the coffin of the SKN Labour Party/NRP Coalition which has borne very little for the NRP. The NRP has not been successful at any of the polls held since their official alliance with the SKN Labour Party. Even the 2011 Election which they were announced as winners was eventually and essentially overtuned and declared null and void for all practical intents and purposes.
With no allies in Nevis the SKNLP is likely to be on their own come the next elections. A situation which makes it virtually impossible to regain power. Political pundits have declared Labour dead in Nevis.
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