Minister Grant Hosts Inaugural Senior Citizens Pre-Christmas Luncheon. Commits to the establishment of Senior Citizens Constituency Outreach Program

Minister of Tourism, Trade , Industry and Constituency Representative for Constituency#4 the Hon. Lindsay Grant on Sunday December 6th hosted his inaugural Senior Citizens Constituency #4 Pre-Christmas Luncheon.
Scores of Senior Citizens from Boyds right through to Halfway Tree were hosted at the Sprat Net for a sumptuous Pre Christmas Luncheon organized by Constituency Representative Hon Lindsay Grant and the Constituency #4 Group.
Hon Grant indicated that the luncheon is the first of a number of initiatives and activities that he intends to pursue within the constituency specifically geared towards the enhancement of the lives of the Senior Citizens in the constituency. Including in these new initiatives will be regular activities such as field trips and regular outings to various spots on both islands. Senior Citizens Fun Day and other activities that will enhance the lives of the Seniors as well as reduce the occurrence of social isolation which is a problem or situation that is often experienced by older persons.
“I intend to vigorously pursue activities specifically geared towards our Senior Citizens. Activities that will improve the quality of life for seniors that they may enjoy lives of dignity, hop, security and meaning.” said Hon. Lindsay Grant .
“I think that it is important that programme be established and initiated that will provide practical services to our seniors, helping them to stay connected to the community and retain their independence,” Minister Grant declared.
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