“Harris Demands Repeal of Controversial Judge Alone Trials Act: A ‘Backward Step’ and an ‘Insult’ to Bradshaw’s Legacy!”

Former Prime Minister Dr. Timothy Harris has launched a scathing critique of the current administration’s proposal to change the jury trial system, describing it as a regressive move that undermines the democratic values established by the late Sir Robert Bradshaw. In a forceful statement, Harris declared that this shift toward judge-alone trials for serious crimes is not only an affront to the legacy of Bradshaw, who fought tirelessly to ensure that ordinary citizens could serve as arbiters of justice, but also a direct attack on the rights of working-class individuals.

Harris emphasized the historical importance of trial by jury, which he insists has been a cornerstone of justice since the establishment of the courts in St. Kitts and Nevis. He argued that jury trials serve as a vital safeguard against tyranny and oppression, providing a necessary check and balance within the democratic framework. “Trial by jury is therefore a safeguard against the arbitrary or oppressive enforcement of criminal justice by government,” Harris stated emphatically.

The former Prime Minister pointed out that jurors represent the community at large and play a crucial role in setting standards for justice and determining the appropriateness of conduct in criminal cases. He lamented a time when only property owners or those with substantial incomes were deemed qualified to serve on juries, effectively disenfranchising ordinary citizens from participating in the justice system. This exclusion created a power dynamic that placed the planter class above the working class, allowing them to exert undue influence over the lives of their peers.

Harris praised the Labour Government under Sir Robert Bradshaw for rectifying this inequality, implementing a system that allowed anyone registered to vote to be presumed qualified to serve as a juror. He lamented the current administration’s apparent regression to a system that dismisses the role of working-class citizens in the judicial process. “This is sad. It is undemocratic and unwise,” he declared.

The former Prime Minister further criticized the Drew administration for making such a drastic decision without consulting the public. “Not even one town hall meeting to discuss this with the people. It is clear that the present administration has no regard or respect for the ordinary working class,” he asserted. Harris characterized this move as a “retrogressive step” toward dictatorship, warning that it could erode public confidence in the justice system and democracy as a whole.

Harris highlighted the arbitrary nature of the new proposal, noting that it denies individuals the right to request a jury trial, a fundamental aspect of their legal rights. “All in all, this dictatorial move undermines democracy and lays the groundwork for the whittling away of our democratic principles, which are embedded in our Constitution,” he stated.

Dr. Harris concluded with a passionate call for the repeal of the proposed act, urging the people of St. Kitts and Nevis to voice their opposition to this perceived assault on democracy. “We must stand together to protect our rights and uphold the values that have shaped our nation,” he implored, signaling a rallying cry for those who believe in the importance of ordinary citizens serving as jurors in the judicial system.

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