Former St.Kitts-Nevis PM Pursues Legal Action over Facebook Posts

Leader of the St.Kitts-Nevis Labour Party/NRP Coalition Opposition the Hon. Dr. Denzil Douglas has sent warning letters to two individuals regarding comments posted on popular Social Media site Facebook
Douglas , whose Labour/NRP Coalition was booted out of office just over a month ago sent letters of his intent to sue Civil Servant Jermaine Lake the brother in law of newly elected Prime Minister Dr. Timothy Harris and young Female lawyer Rivi Lake.
The letters described statements posted by Mr Lake and Attorney Lake as “defamatory” and “scandalous” and meant to damage the Ex Prime Minister Dr. Douglas’ personal and professional reputation for political purposes.
Dr. Douglas has asked for a retraction and apology and he be paid $300,000 in compensation in at least one of the letters. The letter also stated that Failure to respond “constructively” would result in Dr. Douglas issuing proceedings for defamation.
It is unclear whether any of the litigants has responded to the letters.
Many observers have declared that social media played a major role in the recent St.Kitts-Nevis General Elections. The Team UNITY Alliance conducted what many call a relentless and aggressive social media campaign which the then ruling Labour/NRP Coalition was unable to match. Douglas’ legal action and it’s outcome can influence the political social media dynamics of St.Kitts-Nevis.
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