Former SKN Ambassador’s Candid Commentary: Unveiling Unsettling Realities

In a thought-provoking commentary, Former SKN Ambassador to the USA, Dr. Thelma Phillip-Browne, sheds light on the sobering statistics surrounding crime in the region. With a stark revelation, Dr. Phillip-Browne points out that 12 murders per year may seem inconspicuous, but when viewed per capita, it places the nation among the top ten globally, surpassing even the United States.

Drawing attention to the internal strife that has plagued the nation for decades, the former ambassador emphasizes the divisive nature of conflicts such as PAM versus Labour, Nevis versus St Kitts, and the ongoing struggle between Town and Country. Delving deeper, she uncovers the layers of societal issues, including the pervasive colorism of light skin versus dark skin and the socioeconomic disparities that persist between different segments of the population.

Despite boasting the highest access to secondary education in the region, Dr. Phillip-Browne reveals a disconcerting reality — a significant percentage of children were dropping out by 4th form. The misleading celebration of 80% CXC passes fails to acknowledge that many children never wrote exams, and some were left idle on the streets. The few courageous individuals who dared to question this narrative faced persecution, highlighting a concerning lack of transparency in the education system.

Furthermore, the commentary addresses the normalization of Adverse Childhood Experiences, leading to widespread psychological trauma and grief in the country. Dr. Phillip-Browne paints a grim picture, asserting that for those under 25, regular murders have become a distressingly familiar part of life.

The commentary concludes with a scathing critique of the erosion of the democratic process. Dr. Phillip-Browne laments the commodification of votes, deeming it a sport for the highest bidder. This stark reality, she argues, undermines the hard-fought right to vote that previous generations secured with sweat and blood.

In her closing words, Dr. Thelma Phillip-Browne delivers a powerful message, invoking the iconic phrase “Cry, the beloved country” and expressing shame for the state of affairs. With a poignant reference to baby boomers, she challenges her generation to reflect on their role in shaping the nation’s trajectory and urges a collective commitment to address the pressing issues that threaten the social fabric of the beloved country.

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