Former PM Dr. Denzil Douglas Sought Assistance from RSS to Tackle Crime Surge in St.Kitts-Nevis in 2009
Douglas Hypocrisy Exposed !

Basseterre, St.Kitts (September 22nd 2016):- St.Kitts-Nevis Former Prime Minister and now Leader of the Opposition Dr. Denzil Douglas is once again coming for harsh criticism and is being labeled a hypocrite after recent efforts by him to thwart or stop the presence of the Regional Security Services in St.Kitts-Nevis . The attempts by Douglas are at odds with his own efforts and use of the RSS to curb crime back in 2009 whilst Prime Minister. Douglas Chaired the RSS Council of Ministers when the group discussed the reformation or reorganization of the RSS to deal with matters such as Gang formation, border security, Gang-Related and gun crimes .
Whilst in office then PM Douglas sought assistance from the RSS in dealing with the surging violent crime issue in the Federation . In 2009 when asked about his government’s efforts for assistance and additional support from the RSS for the local Anti-Gang unit Douglas said “Without giving you too much detail, we would be having in St. Kitts and Nevis, continued support from our region an sub-region, wider Caribbean region and also the sub-region, for our initiative in fighting gang violence here in St. Kitts and Nevis. It is a phenomenon as I said, that is seen in mostly all of our territories, but St. Kitts and Nevis has requested assistance wider a field, beyond the sub-region and we will also benefit from the activities organized within the sub-region to support our own initiatives in our fight against gang violence.”
Prime Minister of St.Kitts-Nevis and current Chairman of the RSS Council of Ministers Dr. Timothy Harris officially sought the assistance of the regional security group for the twin island federation’s ongoing crime problem. In an announcement made during his annual Independence Day Speech on Monday PM Harris announced the presence of the RSS on St.Kitts-Nevis. The security force is on island to assist the local security forces with crime fighting and other national security related issues.
Leader of the Opposition Dr. Denzil Douglas vehemently opposed the decision to bring the additional support from the RSS to St.Kitts Nevis. Such was the level of his opposition to the widely accepted and lauded move to bring the RSS that The ex Prime Minister wrote to regional heads of government and other members of the RSS Council of Ministers encouraging them not to support the Team UNITY Government and the SKN Security Forces call for support from the RSS. This was a 180 degree about face to his 2009 efforts to seek and engage the assistance of the same RSS to assist with the surging Crime and Violence then.
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