Facing Unprecedented Crime Surge, PM Drew’s Administration Finally Establishes New Citizen Security Department

After 65 Murders in 24 Months, Drew Administration Launches New Citizen Security Department

In response to an alarming surge in violent crime that has claimed 65 lives in just 24 months, including 26 murders this year alone and two assassinations in the past five days, the Government of St. Kitts and Nevis has finally taken a step to combat the crisis. Prime Minister and Minister of National Security, the Honourable Dr. Terrance Drew, announced the establishment of a new Department of Citizen Security during his opening remarks at the Stakeholder Engagement on Citizen Security held on Friday, August 23.The newly formed Department of Citizen Security is set to play a pivotal role in advancing the government’s public health approach to addressing crime and violence across the Federation. This approach focuses on tackling the root causes of crime, such as poverty, lack of education, and mental health issues, through comprehensive and coordinated efforts.The recent murders, including the tragic deaths of a businesswoman and a nine-year-old child, have ignited public outrage and heightened demands for immediate action. While many have criticized the Drew-led administration for its delayed response to the escalating violence, others view the creation of the Citizen Security Department too little too late after some a near unprecednted 65 Murders in 24 months .As the Federation grapples with the ongoing crime wave, the government’s new initiative seeks to bring together stakeholders from various sectors to collaborate on strategies aimed at reducing crime and improving overall public safety. Whether this move will be sufficient to restore peace and stability in St. Kitts and Nevis remains to be seen, but for now, the establishment of the Department of Citizen Security marks a turning point in the fight against crime.

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