In a scathing critique, Jonel Powell, People’s Action Movment Deputy leader and former MP for  Central Basseterre, has expressed his disillusionment with the current Drew Labour Administration’s proposed legislation regarding public health. Powell argues that the government seems out of touch with reality, lacking a clear understanding of the existing legislative framework and the necessary actions needed to address public health concerns.

According to Powell, the government’s proposed legislation duplicates existing laws, particularly the Public Health Act and The Public Health (Nuisances) Regulations. These pre-existing laws, if adequately enforced, would cover the necessary measures the government is attempting to implement. Powell urges the administration to focus on effective enforcement rather than wasting time on duplicative political posturing.

As an advocate for Central Basseterre, Powell stresses the urgency of addressing pressing issues like filth, security concerns, and abandoned properties. He argues that the government should direct its efforts towards cleaning up neighborhoods plagued by these problems. By doing so, the authorities could significantly improve the living conditions of citizens and revitalize affected areas.

Powell reaffirms his support for the clean-up campaign but calls for transparency and action rather than empty promises. He believes that the government should demonstrate its commitment by enforcing existing laws, which can achieve the desired outcomes without additional bureaucracy.

Jonel Powell’s criticisms reflect the frustration felt by many citizens regarding the government’s approach to public health legislation. Rather than introducing redundant laws, the focus should be on effective implementation and tackling the root causes of the problems faced by communities. This critique serves as a reminder for the administration to prioritize action over mere political gestures and make a tangible difference in the lives of the people they serve.

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