Commonwealth a ‘potent voice’ for small developing states, says St.Kitts-Nevis Foreign Affairs Minister

The foreign affairs minister for St Kitts and Nevis says he’s convinced of the value of the Commonwealth to small and developing states.
The Hon. Mark Brantley, also the deputy premier of Nevis, made his comments after a meeting with the Commonwealth Secretary-General.
In a message to Secretary-General Patricia Scotland, Mr Brantley said, “Following on our meeting in your offices a few weeks ago, I am more convinced than ever that the Commonwealth remains a relevant and potent voice for its membership and especially the broad matrix of small developing states that constitute the largest bloc of Commonwealth members.
“I am equally convinced that someone with your training and background and natural understanding of both small developing states and large developed states provides the perfect leadership to continue to project the critical relevance of the Commonwealth to an increasingly complex world.”
Thirty of the 52 Commonwealth members are described as small states and, along with vulnerable countries, helping them with challenges such as climate change, trade and economy post-Brexit and rights for women and children, have been top priorities for Secretary-General Scotland.
Later this week the Secretary-General will attend the high level segment of COP22 climate change conference in Marrakesh and is expected to call for greater efforts to enhance measures to promote regenerative development to benefit the Commonwealth’s vulnerable countries and small states.
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