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The comical political machinations of disgraced ex St.Kitts-Nevis Prime Minister Dr. Denzil Douglas continues to baffle and amuse citizens and political pundits. One week after the opposition leader Dr. Douglas filed a Motion of No Confidence it was announced by the Speaker of the National Assembly Hon. Micheal Perkins on Wednsday afternoon that the Motion will be heard on December 24th, 2018 . However Dr. Douglas has vehemently objected to the swift scheduling of the motion debate . In a statement issued by the Opposition Leader late Wednesday Dr. Douglas stoutly expressed his opposition to the scheduled 24th December date of the debate.

The announcement of Douglas’ filing of the motion was received with a mixture of rebuke and cachination and was largely dismissed as the machinations of a discarded politician trying to combat waning popularity and relevance with outrageous and outlandish statements and actions. Dr Douglas’ Confidence Motion is clearly bound for a resounding defeat as it comes at a time when the Team Unity government is at hits highest ebb as far as popularity, functionality and commadrie among the coalition partners . The country is currently undergoing unprecedented development, transformation and economic activity. Within the last 10 days alone the country welcomed the Largest cruise ship in the world as well as hosting no less than 3 inaugural cruise ship visits. It also saw the grand opening of the new and maginificent Eastline Bus Terminal. In the next few days on December 21st the much touted and anticipated PAP Poverty Alleviation Programme aka the $500 Programme will begin disbursements.
Dr Douglas’ declared objection to the urgency and priority given to the Motion and the scheduling of a December 24th Motion of No Confidence sitting, is leaving some scratching their heads and others openly questioning the competence of Douglas’ advisors and even his own sanity .

Prime Minister Harris in response to the Speaker Hon. Micheal Perkins swift action in setting a date down for the motion to be heard and debated said “When we were in Opposition, we asked the Douglas administration to do the honourable thing and allow the tabling, debate and vote on a Motion of No Confidence.

The Douglas administration callously refused to do so for 26 months i.e. holding the MONC in abeyance for more than 2 years, even when it was clear that he had lost the confidence of the majority of elected Members of Parliament.

It was a fundamental breach of Parliamentary practice and tradition by the illegitimate Douglas regime and a violation of our constitutional right, as found by the High Court.   In keeping with our mandate for good governance, we are leading by example.  The motion will be disposed of soonest.”

PM Harris continued “Given the strong support by the people for Team Unity and the excellent record-breaking performance of my Government in education, good governance, healthcare, housing, roadworks and other infrastructure, the motion is a distraction by an unpopular Opposition.  The Cabinet is ready for the debate,” Prime Minister Harris .

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