2016 Annual Conference & Training – Call for Attendees.

Castries, August 16, 2016, The Caribbean Institute of Certified Management Consultants (CICMC) will host its 3rd Annual Conference in St. Lucia under the theme: Enhancing the Export Competitiveness of Caribbean Professional Services through Innovation, Quality Standards and Market Access.
From September 7-9th, Management consultants and Professionals from around the region will gather at the Bay Gardens Hotel in Rodney Bay for three (3) exciting days of networking, capacity development, learning and inspiration. The conference will focus on the need for standards, certification and innovation to improve exportability of professional services.
Two days of post Conference training follows on the 8th and 9th September and will feature Angelo Kehayas, Certified Master Coach, International Keynote speaker and Executive trainer with more than 30 years of experience in the professional consulting and coaching industry. Attendees will acquire knowledge and develop skills to better position themselves to take advantage of the opportunities available nationally, regionally and internationally.
The CICMC is a network of individual management consultants and Chapters/Interim Chapters throughout the Caribbean. The Institute’s mandate “To be a professional organization that aggressively mobilizes its membership and enhances their ability to service clients according to global standards of ethical behaviour and excellence,” –aims to foster a greater appreciation of professional services, in particular management consulting, within CARIFORUM and internationally.
Professionals in the service sector particularly Engineers, Lawyers, Architects, Accountants, Bankers, Business Managers, Hoteliers and Consultants are invited to attend. To register for the CICMC 2016 Annual Conference, please visit:
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