Caribbean Development Bank Willing To Assist with Brand New BHS Construction says Ag Prime Minister Hon. Shawn K. Richards

Dep PM Richards on Working for You_102815

Basseterre, St. Kitts, October 28, 2015 (SKNIS): Government officials are evaluating a number of site proposals to house the new Basseterre High School (BHS).

That information was shared by St. Kitts and Nevis Ag Prime Minister , the Honourable Shawn Richards, during a live appearance on the radio programme “Working for You” on Wednesday (October 28).

In response to a question posed by a caller, Ag  PM Richards, who is also the Minister of Education, explained that no design has been made for the new school as yet given, that it will be influenced by the layout of the land chosen. However, he said that talks have been had to fund the future project.

“We have been speaking with various stakeholders, with various funding agencies as to how the Government can be aided with the construction of a brand new Basseterre High School,” he stated. “The Caribbean Development Bank for example has said to the Government that it is willing to assist with … funding the designs for a brand new Basseterre High School.”

In the meantime, work is steadily progressing on the construction of 18 classrooms to house BHS students at a temporary site at Taylor’s Range. A structure is also being built for administrative staff at the site.

Ag Prime Minister Richards  thanked partners who stepped in to provide space to be used by students. Special mention was made of the Washington Archibald High School’s staff, students and parents who facilitated a shift system of use at the school. The shift system ended in August this year as alternate accommodations were made for the students.

Minister Richards assured that consultations with parents and students are continuing and all stakeholders will be kept abreast of plans going forward.

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