Appointees and Loyalists of Douglas Regime Sabotaging New St.Kitts-Nevis Team UNITY Administration

Appointees of the Previous PM Dr Douglas are using mechanisms such as Flash Drives to transfer information out of Goverment Headquarters. Sensitive information that can likely for the basis of invstigations into charges of corruption by the Douglas Administration

Appointees of the Previous PM Dr Douglas are using mechanisms such as Flash Drives to transfer information out of Goverment Headquarters. Sensitive information that can likely for the basis of invstigations into charges of corruption by the Douglas Administration

The New Team UNITY Administration has gotten of to a less than ideal start. The new government suffered through a delayed swearing in of new Prime Minister Dr. Timothy Harris and his Team UNITY Cabinet. Making matters worse is the seemingly calculated systematic  undermining of the new government by remnants, loyalists and political appointees of the Dr. Denzil Douglas regime.

Countless reports are emanating from Government Headquarters of Senior Civil Servants and Douglas Administration political Appointees removing critical and sensitive documents through various means including via flash drives and in other cases boxes heavily sealed with duct tape. In the past 3 days at least three persons were caught red-handedly attempting to remove highly sensitive and important documents and information from a number of offices at Government Headquarters as well as the office of the Ministry of Public Works , Utilities and Ministry of Youth and Sports which are located at separate locations outside of the GHQ.

So why aren’t these Douglas loyalists and political appointees immediately terminated or removed? Why are they allowed to remain despite their efforts to actively sabotage and undermine the new administration? Those are the questions being asked by the nation.

Former SKN Prime Minister Dr Denzil Douglas.

Former SKN Prime Minister Dr Denzil Douglas.

It would seem that the new Team UNITY Administration is trying their utmost best to stick to their commitment of NO VICTIMISATION. However can the removal of these persons be labeled as VICTIMISATION? Especially when they are carrying out their near illegal or illegal activities in sometimes plain sight of co-workers.

One Permanent Secretary was caught signing and backdating contracts of persons without the knowledge of her new Minister or the Prime Minister. Another political appointee was caught downloading files onto a flash drive in an attempt to have said files copied and removed . According to one observer these political appointees of Dr Douglas are allowing and facilitating Dr. Douglas’ attempt to run the country by proxy through his numerous appointees.

The Team UNITY administration must make hard and tough decisions that may disrupt the lives  of a few. But this disruption will only be for a while and is for the sake of the country. The Nation calls on the Dr. Timothy Harris led administration to rid themselves of all political appointees of the douglas regime as well as those Douglas loyalists in Senior Positions who seem bent on sabotaging the new administration.

The new ADMINISTRATION must be allowed to begin the new development thrust of the country with immediacy . The remnants, loyalists and political appointees of Dr. Douglas’ Administration should not be allowed to hinder the FRESH START that the country so overwhelmingly voted for. These saboteurs must be removed urgently so that the Team UNITY administration can properly begin and concentrate on the people’s business.

3 Comments on Appointees and Loyalists of Douglas Regime Sabotaging New St.Kitts-Nevis Team UNITY Administration

  1. On the evidence quoted in this article it seems that it is the Unity government that is being victimized.

  2. The term political appointee is a silly term to be used when one considers that every appointed civil servant is appointed by the prime minister. If unity has evidence of wrong doing they need to terminate and prosecute. That’s not victimization.

  3. In any ordinary organization, these individuals would be fired for breach of conduct or misconduct. I fail to see the discrimination. If you work contrary to the objectives of your employer, you should not be guaranteed their employment.

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