Statement from the Consul General, U.S. Embassy to Barbados, the Eastern Caribbean, and the OECS


Statement from the Consul General, U.S. Embassy to Barbados, the Eastern Caribbean, and the OECS

The United States has not requested any changes to passports issued by the Government of St. Kitts and Nevis. We note that the Press Secretary to the Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis has clarified that no such request was ever made by the United States. In fact, the International Civil Aviation Organization specifies place of birth as a key element of biographic data for machine readable and e-passports.

erasmus williams

Press Secretary Erasmus Williams

The U.S. government notified the St. Kitts and Nevis government that versions of the St. Kitts and Nevis passport that lack key elements of biographic data have caused the U.S. government to require additional documentation from applicants for U.S. visas to evaluate their eligibility. Because of the missing biographic data, holders of St. Kitts and Nevis passports who apply for U.S. visas have experienced delays in processing times.

The United States will continue to comply with the international standards set forth by the International Civil Aviation Organization in the visa adjudication process.

Mark Bysfield
Consul General
U.S. Embassy to Barbados, the Eastern Caribbean, and the OECS

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