Dr. Timothy Harris Unleashes Fury in New Year Address: Accuses Broken Government of Economic Ruin

In a fiery New Year address, Dr. Hon. Timothy Harris, the 3rd Prime Minister and PLP Leader, did not mince words as he lambasted the current administration for what he described as a “broken economy” and a government in disarray. The headline-grabbing address took aim at the devastating consequences of the underperformance in key sectors such as tourism, agriculture, manufacturing, fisheries, and construction throughout 2023.

Dr. Harris expressed deep concern over the soaring unemployment rates, emphasizing the plight of families struggling to make ends meet. The removal of vulnerable citizens from the Poverty Alleviation Programme (PAP) drew particular ire, with the Prime Minister labeling it “unceremonious” and “unconscionable.”

The high cost of living, coupled with policy decisions that adversely affected the most vulnerable, formed the crux of Dr. Harris’ scathing critique. He accused the administration of broken promises, highlighting the failure to increase PAP support to $1,500.00 per month as pledged.

The address didn’t shy away from pointing fingers at what Dr. Harris called “reckless” actions, including the awarding of a $600 million public sector housing project without local bidding opportunities and the self-selection of a contractor for a $6 million water tank project, allegedly flouting procurement rules.

As the country faces the challenges of 2024, Dr. Timothy Harris called for an end to what he termed “inappropriate and inconsiderate” actions, urging a shift towards economic and people empowerment strategies. The speech concluded with a plea for an inclusive society and an end to what Dr. Harris characterized as a government marred by “deterioration and decadence.” The sensational address has left the nation buzzing with anticipation for the political and economic developments that lie ahead.

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