Third Prime Minister, Dr. Hon. Timothy Harris, Delivers New Year’s Message of Hope of a Brighter Future for St. Kitts and Nevis

Third Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis and Political Leader of the People’s Labour Party (PLP), Dr. the Hon. Timothy Harris delivered a strong message to the people on the occasion of the New Year 2024, in which he offers hope and optimism for a truly brighter tomorrow under a PLP-led administration.

Dr. Harris stated in his message to the nation that the progress, peace and prosperity that were carefully crafted and fostered during the seven-plus years under the Team Unity administration are now threatened by a short-sighted, broken government led by Dr. Terrance Drew.

“As the Third Prime Minister of the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis, I was able to lead a government that accepted the fundamental duty of the state is keeping our people safe and creating economic growth to ensure everyone shares in a more prosperous Federation,” Dr. Harris said. “Our significant investments in the hardware, software and human resource development of National Security were undertaken to deliver a peace dividend and to free our country from societal dehumanization and the diminution of lives.”

This, Dr. Harris said, led to unprecedented growth in the small business sector and record levels in employment figures in the Federation.

Today, the lack of leadership under the current administration, coupled with their arrogance, pettiness and ineptitude, have resulted in hardships for the majority of the citizenry of St. Kitts and Nevis.

Dr. Harris said, “In 2023, key sectors of the economy – tourism, Citizenship by Investment, agriculture, manufacturing, fisheries and construction – underperformed, with devastating consequences. The poor state of the economy means too many of our people today are without jobs.”

“The high cost of living has compounded the issue of unemployment and underemployment. It has undermined our people’s ability to survive and experience a decent quality of life. This is further exacerbated by the unceremonious, unconscionable removal of many vulnerable citizens and residents – including a double amputee and some of our grandmothers – from the carefully designed Poverty Alleviation Programme (PAP) delivered by Team Unity,” the PLP leader said.

But there is hope for the future, as the Federation’s third Prime Minister emphasized that the power lies with all of us to contribute to making the twin island Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis the best it can be.

“We must prepare to do what is necessary to bring the change which we deserve. As consistently demonstrated, the Peoples Labour Party (PLP) stands ready to work with all citizens and residents to deliver a prosperous future. As National Party Leader of the PLP, I extend an invitation to all to come help us build a more inclusive, bigger and stronger movement to take our country out of the political and economic morass that this broken government has placed it. In this regard, I continue to advance the call for, and the cause of, unity,” said Dr. Harris.


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