Battle Against Crime: Former Prime Minister Dr. Hon. Timothy Harris Issues Urgent Recommendations for Immediate Action in St. Kitts and Nevis

In a bold and poignant statement, former Prime Minister Dr. Hon. Timothy Harris has shed light on the alarming escalation of crime in St. Kitts and Nevis, calling on the current administration, led by Prime Minister Dr. Hon. Terrance Drew, to take swift and decisive action to curb this wave of violence that has plagued the nation.

A Call for Urgent Action

Dr. Harris emphasized the urgency of the situation, stating that “The loss of one life is one too many. To have lost so many young persons so consistently, in the prime of their lives, should cause us all to examine ourselves, our government and Country, and commit to doing all we can to contain these egregious acts of human destruction in our midst.”

He further questioned the government’s commitment to addressing the crime crisis and expressed concern over the prolonged silence of Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew on this critical issue.

A Historical Perspective

Drawing from his own tenure, Dr. Harris highlighted the success of the safety and security initiatives implemented during his leadership. He revealed that under his administration, the budgetary support to the Ministry of National Security reached close to $100 million. Additionally, innovative programs such as the PEACE Programme and the Explorers Club led to a significant reduction in murders. However, he lamented that in just 15 months under the present administration, St. Kitts and Nevis has once again become the murder capital of the world, an ignominious distinction for any nation.

Recommendations for Immediate Action

Dr. Harris put forth a comprehensive list of recommendations, urging the Drew-led administration to take immediate steps to address the escalating crime situation. These recommendations include:

  • Articulate a Clear Crime Reduction Policy: Clearly define a comprehensive and actionable policy to reduce crime in the country.
  • Recommit to PEACE and Explorers Club Programmes: Reinstate and reinforce successful crime prevention initiatives that have proven effective in the past.
  • Appoint Competent Leaders in the Police Force: Ensure that capable individuals lead various directorates within the Police Force.
  • End Victimization in the Security Forces: Create a culture of fairness and professionalism within the security forces.
  • Provide Resources for Low Morale and Operational Needs: Allocate resources to address low morale within the Police Force and meet operational requirements.
  • Promote Public Discussion on National Security: Encourage open dialogue on matters of national security to foster transparency and community involvement.
  • Develop a Coherent Action Plan for Enhanced Security: Create a comprehensive and coherent action plan to enhance security and safety for all citizens and residents.

The Way Forward

Dr. Harris’s impassioned plea serves as a wake-up call for the government to prioritize the safety and well-being of the people. The ball is now in Prime Minister Dr. Terrance Drew’s court to heed these recommendations and take immediate and effective measures to restore security and peace to the people of St. Kitts and Nevis. The international embarrassment must be transformed into a resolute commitment to a safer future for the beloved country.

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