Doris Bradshaw Smith Triumphs with Master’s Degree in Public Health from Monroe College

Parson’s Ground, Saint John Capisterre, Saint Kitts and Nevis – Doris Bradshaw Smith, a dedicated Registered Nurse and Registered Midwife, has achieved an extraordinary milestone by obtaining her Master’s Degree in Public Health with a minor in Health Administration and Leadership from Monroe College. This remarkable accomplishment adds to her distinguished career in healthcare, which includes her significant contributions at JNF General Hospital and Joseph N France Hospital.

Doris’s journey began in Sandy Point High School, followed by rigorous academic and professional training at Clarence Fitzroy Bryant College and the University of Technology, Jamaica. Despite numerous challenges, Doris’s unwavering determination and faith saw her through to this pinnacle of achievement.

On social media, Doris shared her emotional and inspiring journey, writing:

“SHE MASTERED IT …SHE REALLY DID!!!! HAHA HALLELUJAHHHHH. One songwriter once said…’Through all the changing scenes of life, in trouble and in joy, the praises of my God shall still my heart and tongue employ.’ Today it brings me immense joy to write this…But before I do, I want to echo these words: ‘Oh love of God so rich and pure, so measureless and kind, it shall forever more endure, the saints and angels song.’ As I write this, so many songs rush through my mind…Tears flowing from my eyes.”

Doris’s journey is a testament to resilience and faith. From becoming a young single mother in high school to starting her career as a nursing attendant, Doris faced and overcame numerous obstacles. Her story is a beacon of hope and encouragement for others facing similar struggles.

“I want to encourage someone out there: Be yourself. Be and become all that God has called you to be. If you choose to sit back and refuse to take that step, even while worrying about what others might think, you will never reach your destination. Yes, I know rejection can be crushing. I could write a book about it. It can make you want to give up. But when you know deep down, when you are certain, you will see that light at the end of the tunnel and pursue it.”

Doris reflects on her academic and professional milestones with immense pride:

“I started in 1 A4, finished high school in A 3 … passed two general and two basics. Started as a nursing attendant … back then they called it yellow bird. GLORYYY… Today… I have achieved my Associate’s degree in Registered Nursing, a Diploma in Midwifery at CFBC, a Bachelor’s degree in Public Health Nursing from the University of Technology, Jamaica, and today my Master’s degree in Public Health with a minor in health administration and leadership from Monroe College (and yes I aced it with honors).”

Doris is particularly proud of her unique achievement on the island of St Kitts and Nevis:

“Look at me gloryyyy… I am the first who started as a nursing attendant to have ever reached this far in the Island of St Kitts/Nevis… I perceive I am the first in my family to have even accomplished this… I boast in God.”

Doris credits her success to the unwavering support of her husband, Michael Smith, her children, her church family, and her community. She emphasizes the power of perseverance and faith in overcoming adversity:

“The race is not for the swift, but for those who endured until the very end… You can achieve whatever your mind perceives… Hahaha… Doris take a bow… You have done well… To you out there… I did it, so can you… Take that step.”

Doris Bradshaw Smith’s story is an inspiring example of what can be achieved through determination, faith, and the support of loved ones. Her achievements serve as a powerful reminder that with hard work and perseverance, any goal is attainable.

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