“We are all in this together”, says National Hero & First Prime Minister, Dr. Sir Kennedy Simmonds as he lauds leadership of the PM Harris Led Government and the Frontline Workers in the Fight Against COVID-19
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The month of April is fast coming to its close, and history will record it as one of the most eventful periods of the 21st Century, because of COVID-19.
But on a brighter and personal note, April, also appears to have been a month filled with birthday celebrants, who have been thrust in the forefront of the fight against the Coronavirus.
So, yes, there have been many Happy Birthdays remembered on the recent daily Covid-19 briefings. That was a good gesture and I am sure, highly appreciated by the recipients of the fraternal greetings and ‘gifts’.
In my case, back on 12th April, I was frankly very surprised that, in the midst of the widespread concern for our own safety, and that of our loved ones, so many persons took the time not only to remember, but to swamp the airwaves with good wishes leading up to and on the day of my birthday.
Some greetings even came belatedly. I wish to thank all those persons who sent birthday greetings and good wishes. On that day, and every day, I am simply thankful to be alive.
I had a very eventful day. It began with attendance at the Wesley Methodist Church
Easter Sunday service. That was followed by Service at the Antioch Baptist Church. In
the afternoon, I attended a concert by the Charles Wesley St. Michael Singers.
At this chapter of my life, these are small but important experiences of enjoyment that feature on my social calendar. My own celebrations of life, however, afforded me the opportunity to reflect and focus on the future of our country, especially as we confront this silent but deadly enemy of COVID-19.
I offer my deepest sympathies for the family and friends who have lost so many of their loved ones in recent weeks. We, in St. Kitts and Nevis, on the other hand, and at this time, have much to be thankful for, given the present state of the Coronavirus at our shores.
As citizens and residents of the smallest Nation on earth, we have to be forever thankful to Almighty God for his boundless mercies and blessings. We must also be thankful for those who are the instruments of his grace and mercy here in our Federation.
I am thankful for the proactive leadership of the Prime Minister, the Honourable Dr. Timothy Harris and his Cabinet for their early and decisive action to protect all of us in the Federation. Let us all, at every opportunity, also give thanks for Dr. Hazel Laws, Dr. Wilkinson, Mr. Abdias Samuel, the Commissioner and ranks of the Police, The Commanding Officer and ranks of the Defence force, the doctors, nurses, EMT’s, aides orderlies pharmacists, technicians, members of the various committees, volunteers, essential workers, all who are out on the front lines working day and night to keep us safe. We owe them all a tremendous debt of gratitude.
However, I am beginning to sense some impatience, frustration and even complacency creeping in because of the realisation that we are doing well compared to many other countries. This is not the time to let down our guard. It only needs one symptomless person with the virus to escape our vigilance, and before you know it, our last state can be worse than the first.
There is one statistic which amazes me. That is the number of persons released from
quarantine, 686 to date. With 15 confirmed cases, think of the diligent, conscientious
and persistent work which would have been involved in the contact tracing and
surveillance, to have quarantined in excess of that number in the first place.
Dr. Hazel Laws is doing an amazing job in the vanguard of our battle to protect the lives of our citizens and residents from the ravages of the Covid-19 virus.
Let us all do our part to protect ourselves and each other. Wash hands, practice physical distancing, wear masks in public, abide by the curfew regulations.
Please,do not stigmatise anyone.
It could have been you or any of us.
Remember, we are all in this together.
And in the spirit of patriotism, let us all continue to put our Country Above Self!
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