WATCH Video: Peoples Labour Party (PLP) Convention 2018 Remarks by National Deputy Party Leader Hon. Akilah Byron-Nisbett -March 24th 2018
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On March 25th 2017 there was an awakening. On that date there was a new course set in motion as thousands bore witness to the renewal of a great party. It was a renewal that revolutionized, strengthened, and reshaped the course of history for a great party. It was on that date in the year 2017 that many of us who are present here today, witnessed the rise of a party that would go down in history as being a transformational party.
Today, March 24th 2018, we are thankful. We are thankful for we know that if it were not for the grace of God, we would not be here today continuing to grow from strength to strength. We have seen our beloved party expand with the primary aim to strengthen the Team Unity partnership. The Peoples Labour Party have indeed been renewed with a renewed commitment to serve the people.
The Peoples Labour Party is a party that believes and understands that the future of our nation lies in the hands of our Youth. That is why our Party and our Party’s Leadership continues to consult with and engage our Youth in every area of the development of our great Party. The presence of young, hardworking and enthusiastic individuals fill the various positions of our national and constituency branch executives. We encourage their engagement and involvement, and we welcome their ideas and criticism. We want them to unleash their full potential and we want them to be able to use their many gifts and talents to help not only in the building our Party but in building our Country as a whole. We understand our Youths are critical for continued development and progress. We understand that our Youths are the ones who will shape and create the future of St. Kitts and Nevis.
Our Party also appreciates and understands the critical role that Women play in the advancement and progress of our country. In 2017 we displayed our commitment to the development of Women when on March 25th we elected a Young Woman to be Deputy Political Leader of the Peoples Labour Party. The first Political Party in St. Kitts and Nevis to have ever done so. Women have always been the strong force behind any political party, standing in the shadows as a strong support mechanism that have brought many political parties to great success. The Peoples Labour Party have decided that it is time that Women take their rightful place at the head table. Bringing their perspective, ideas and voice as part of the decision making body. This is a party that understands that having women in prominent positions of the decision making body is critical for continued growth and development.
The Peoples Party believes in Putting People First, that is why today, as we did for our inaugural convention last year, we have brought our convention to the people. We are a Party with a leadership that listens and seeks the advice and opinions of the people. We understand that we need the people just as the people need us. We understand that we can’t just sit at the table making decisions for the people without engaging with the people. And so we come as we came last year, to the people. We value continued dialogue and engagement for we know that it is through this continued engagement that we can better understand the true needs and requirements of the people.
Today we have brought our convention to the great constituency of St. Christopher 3. We have brought our convention to number 3 to show our commitment to the people of constituency number three, and to commit to the people of this great constituency that the Peoples Labour Party will continue to work on behalf of the People of number 3. At the last general election the Peoples Labour Party made a commitment to the people of number 3 that PLP in Team Unity will ensure that the needs of the good people of constituency number 3 will be made a priority. Although we may not have been successful at the polls, that commitment to the people of this constituency still remains. As such the PLP and Team Unity have tasked me with being their eyes and ears within this constituency, and I give my continued commitment that I will do all in my power to ensure that the people of constituency number 3 will receive their fair share. The people of St. Christopher 3, Palmetto Point to Village will be empowered, will receive housing, and lands. I will continue to press the Team Unity Administration to ensure that they maintain their commitments to the people of Constituency number 3. The Boyds Play field will be completed, the basketball court will be completed, the children’s playground, will be completed, the roads will be repaired and/or constructed, drains will be cleaned more regularly, particularly in the Boyds area. Right here at Patsy Allers play field, home of the soon to be premier football league champions, the Ram’s Village Superstars, we will see a complete overhaul. Our champion team will have proper facilities with locker rooms, proper bathrooms for training, our three peat Dr. William Connor primary school will be able to have adequate facilities for selling foods and drinks on sports day. The people of Constituency number 3 can rest assured that PLP working in Team Unity will fulfil its commitment to the People of number 3 and they can rest assured that I will take my role seriously as caretaker of this great constituency and continue to lobby vigorously on their behalf. That is my commitment to the people of constituency number 3.
As I stand here at the end of a very successful year for the Peoples Labour Party, allow me as Deputy Party Leader to say thank you. I must say thank you to the members of the Peoples Labour Party. To all of those individuals who have decided that our Party, as young as it may be, is a party that they believe is more than capable to make its contribution to nation building. We will not fail you, we will not let you down. We will continue to do our part to work with our partners in Team Unity to see continued development for our beloved St. Kitts and Nevis.
To our esteemed Leader Dr. The Hon. Timothy Harris we must say a heartfelt thank you. It is through your visionary leadership, one of compassion, openness, commitment, dedication, love and respect for each individual that we continue to see a party that endures and one which have grown and continues to grow in leap and bounds. Yours is a leadership which never fails to guide and encourage each individual.
Yours is a leadership that motivates and pushes each individual to unleash their greatest potential. Speaking for myself, the confidence you show in my capabilities is what gives me the confidence to continue to push. There have been many times when I seek your guidance and at the end of our discussions you would always remind me “Akilah but is you and you know what to say you don’t really need me to tell you, just do it your way” that is a man who shows his confidence in his people, he doesn’t see age, he doesn’t see gender, he sees potential and capabilities. And so I must say thank you.
To our partners in Team Unity, we say thank you for your continued support. This support is evident today as we not only see our partners of federal cabinet but today we see present among us, in support of PLP, the cabinet ministers of the CCM lead NIA. The PLP commits its continued support to the Team Unity. We will do our part to ensure the continued victory of our Partners, lending our support across all constituencies.
And so as I close, let me assure you that the Peoples Labour Party will continue in its thrust to strengthen the Team Unity partnership. A strong PLP, a stronger Team Unity. We understand that together we achieve more and so we commit to doing our part in nation building and we commit to continue to put our people first.
…. Just like moons and like suns, with the certainty of tides, just like hopes springing high, still I’ll rise.
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