Team UNITY Government’s First National Consultation on the Economy Featured Representation from the Widest Cross Section of NGO’s in history.

The First National Consultation on the Economy under Prime Minister Dr. Timothy Harris and the historic Team UNITY Government was held this past Thursday at the St.Kitts Marriot Hotel. Over 300 persons from a wide cross section of the private and public sectors as well as the citizenry all packed the the Marriott Grand Ballroom to discuss and make recommendations and input on the current state of the economy and it’s forward upward development .
The consultation saw many firsts as it was the first time that a number of NGO’s were able to present at the National event. The St.Kitts-Nevis Youth Parliamentarians Association, The Nurses Association, The St.Kitts-Nevis Trades and Labour Union, the St.Kitts Teachers Union, The Christian Council were all invited , represented and presented for the first time in the history of the consultation.
“Indeed a Fresh Start has come to the way things are done in the country and by the St.Kitts-Nevis Government . A fresh start has seen a much more inclusive and transparent government. A Fresh Start has seen more representation by the widest cross section of NGO’s ever in the history of the National Consultation of the Economy. The Youth Parliamentarians, The Nurses, The Teachers, The Labour Union, the Churches, The Small Businesses, The Financial Institutions, the Chamber, the Youth were all represented at this forum and we are confident that this will result in the most comprehensive, far reaching, thoughtful and impactful budget this country has ever seen and by extension the most significant enhancement to the economy of this country ever,” said Prime Minister Dr. Harris on the significant participation of NGO’s in the National Consultation
Attorney Azard Gumbs the President of the SKNYPA presented on behalf of his organization at the consultation . The Youth Parliamentarians expressed their organizations pleasure and delight in being invited to present at the annual forum for the first time.
“It was indeed a pleasure that our prestigious Association was given the opportunity to make a presentation at the Annual Consultation of the Economy held at the St. Kitts Marriott Hotel Conference Room under the auspices of the Ministry of Finance. Our President Mr. Azard Gumbs made a presentation highlighting the ways that the public and private sector can propel youth involvement in the economy,” the group stated in a brief social media statement .
The Groups represented and their respective presenters were as follows:
- Eastern Caribbean Central Bank- Governor K. Dwight Venner
- Chamber of Industry and Commerce- Damion Hobson
- Nevis Island Administration-Premier Vance Amory
- Federal Government- Prime Minister Dr. Timothy Harris
- Ministry of Finance-Hilary Hazel
- Miinistry of National Security-Ian Queeley
- Kitts Christian Council-Archdeacon Valentine Hodge
- Kitts Bar Association- Charles Wilkin QC
- Kitts Nurses Association-Nurse Kerry Tucket
- Kitts-Nevis Trades and Labour Union-Joseph O Flaharty
- Hotel and Tourism Assocation- Nicholas Menon
- SKNYPA- Azard Gumbs
- Kitts Manufacturing Association-Linkon Maynard
- Bankers and Financial Insitutions- Dave Ramsumar
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