Team Unity as far as good governance legislation and policies has gone further than any government before.
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Team Unity as far as good governance legislation and policies this government has gone further than any government before.
(1) First SKN Gov’t to Pass the Freedom of Information Act
(2) First gov’t to Pass and Operationalizing the Integrity in Public Life Act, and
(3) First SKN gov’t to Pass the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) Act in its current form which . has been hailed by the former Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda Baldwin Spencer as a landmark legislation, advancing the work of the PAC. Our own Director of Audit and the Accountant General have hailed the passage of the Act as an encouraging development in good governance.
(4) This government has opened up the state-owned broadcasting station, ZIZ Broadcasting Corporation, like no government before. It has been opened to the extent that news items are made of press conferences by the Opposition – a historic first! The Leader of the Opposition’s Christmas Message to the Nation is aired and carried on ZIZ TV
(5) Team Unity has improved access to justice by increasing the number of resident judges available in Basseterre. Additionally, a Family and Juvenile Court will be opened shortly.
(6) Team Unity is the first SKN government to decriminalise small amounts of marijuana.
(7) The introduction of the motion of No Confidence Bill 2019 in which provides for the period within which a question of no confidence must be addressed.
(8) The introduction of Digital fingerprinting giving the SKN CBI programme the most robust due diligence in the world.
(9) The Team unity government has begun the necessary measures to review the Public Service Act of 2011 to effectively correct that legislation which infringed upon individuals’ fundamental rights to freedom of expression and freedom of association.
(10)Open and Transparent contract signings and procurement on major projects. Over the last few years we have seen the open and transparent signing of contracts related to the Old Rd Development , The 2nd Cruise Pier, Road Rehabilitation project, Wellington rd condo development , new east , west and ferry terminals. We have seen signings which included announcements on the contractors who bid and who won bids and the value of the contracts.
(11)The government has engaged in very regular townhall meetings where they actively engage citizens and give account of their stewardship
(12) The Prime Minister comes to the press and the people via a monthly press conference and a weekly TV Programme “LEADERSHIP MATTERS and uses the opportunity to update citizens on ALL the activities of the government.
As outlined the Team UNITY government in just 6 years has established an enviable record of good governance. They have gone further in the pursuance of Good Governance than any other administration before. The legislation and implementation of Good governance takes time if done properly. The Team UNITY government is and will continue to be deliberate and meticulous in it’s pursuance and deliverance of it’s good governance agenda. The Team Unity governmet is well aware that it’s legacy of good governance will be the new standard throughout the caribbean. Any standard of excellence takes committment and time. No doubt the pursuance of this agenda will continue into the the Team unit’y 2nd term in office.

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