SUSPICIOUS: Son Exposed, Crossman Lauded


By: Dr. Charles Warner, 

The past week has been another interesting one as it relates to the comments made by those who formed the government up to February 2015.


For one thing Asim Martin has stopped laughing.  Asim Martin is now very serious on the matter of crime and the death of our young people.  Today, as far as Asim is concerned shooting and homicides are no skin teeth business.


In high sun, around midday two young men were murdered on St. Johnston Avenue, the government of Dr. Douglas held a press conference which was televised.  To the dismay of all serious citizens St. Kitts and Nevis citizen Dr. Asim Martin was on camera laughing/smiling.


Today, Dr. Asim Martin is on Freedom FM in a serious mode as it relates to shootings, homicides and crime in general.  He is not laughing.  Asim Martin has gone as far as to make a public demand for the prime minister to resign as Minister of National Security.  He was a part of and tolerated two decades of ineptitude by his government as it relates crime.  He did not demand that his Dr. Douglas resign but after 18 – 19 months that demand is made in relation to Dr. Harris.  When his Dr. Douglas said that he takes no responsibility for crime, Dr. Asim Martin did not ask Dr. Douglas to resign.


When persons like Dr. Martin speaks, those who do not know will believe that the crime issue popped up since February, 2015.  Dr. Martin has to be shaken out of his denial and be reminded that the present crime situation is the legacy of his and Douglas Labour.  Dr. Martin is now not laughing about 27 – 28 homicides, but he was when the State had 33 murders in one year.


Another interesting response was that of Dr. Douglas as it relates to the Crossman matter.  According to Dr. Douglas Crossman was a real good man who made a big contribution to the socio-economic welfare of the people.  That being so Mr. Crossman is to be highly congratulated.   It is said that his name is in social media as regards millions (43) in the Bahamas or somewhere else.


That might have been a big investment of SIDF funds in this whole matter of the socio-economic welfare of the people.


Dr. Douglas outlined a long list of the good things done by the subject.  What is rather interesting though is the matter of who authorized these good deals.  So this person was doing all these good deals and as Dr. Douglas would tell is at one point he had no say in the whole process.


Now from one corner of his mouth Dr. Douglas calls him a very good man and very competent.  M r. Crossman should be very cautious especially as to the shifting of blame.


Dr. Douglas has told the Nation that he has/had nothing to do with the SIDF.  Is he now making Crossman look like the one who had all the influence re the SIDF.  So if the Kittitian Hill and Christophe Harbour investments prove to be sour then all the blame will fall on this good man, Crossman.  The good man will take the blame for the squander of SIDF money.  As Dr. Douglas would like us to believe he had nothing to do with the SIDF.  All those decisions made by the SIDF had nothing absolutely to do with Dr. Douglas as prime minister.  Well Denzil Douglas will fool those whom he can.


Let us hope that the good man is not being pushed in the furnace while Dr. Douglas remains protected.  Right now Crossman is in the CROS- HAIRS.


When it comes to those large sums of money Dr. Douglas likes to say he knows not.  The story of Lex Consulting has to be remembered.  We were told that the big monies belonged to Junior who was at school and who did not have Dr. by his name.  If the son could be exposed so much, what about anybody else eg  a Crossman or any other? 


Hope that all the sweet talk about Mr. Crossman is not to put him in the cross-hairs and have him see to be acting on his own.    However, no matter what Dr. Douglas says no one will believe that he had no influence on the SIDF.


If for all the hard work Mr. Crossman did to elevate himself he falls to the wiles of a person like Dr. Douglas it would be so sad.  One thing though; it is certain that Crossman can talk.


The true character of Dr. Douglas also comes out as to comments he made on the travels of Dr. Harris.  He was heard to be complaining on the amount of traveling by Dr. Harris.  At times the pot calls the silverware black.


On the matter of the big money at Lex Consulting, Junior Douglas was exposed by Daddy.  As it relates to the SIDF money Dr. Douglas lauds Mr. Crossman.  This should make the general public and Mr. Crossman himself very suspicious.





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