St.Kitts Stylist Stages Memorable Fashion Show in New York

LeCoiffeur Styles the Runway Team From right to left
Rita – in house model/stylist/MUA
Wendy – CEO
Nita – In- House model.
St.Kitts Stylist Wendy Isaac of Le Coiffeur over the weekend staged a hugely successful and memorable Fashion Event in Brooklyn, New York.
Style, Glamorous and Chic, are three words that accurately represent the mantra of Isaac’s LeCoiffeur, the popular New York Base Personal Stylist & Wardrobe Consultant Service. This remarkable brand has been in the fashion industry for over 20 years both Domestic & International and continues to expand with prodigious potential. Using her outstanding experience and knowledge of the industry, Wendy is well on her way to making the stunning success a treasured House hold styling name for famous celebrities and Fashion icons all around the globe. One thing to note before we move on, you may of heard of Switch Fix before, this is the routes of Wendys fashion experience and we think stitch fix is worth it so be sure to check them out.
Using this vast experience, knowledge, creativity and drive Wendy Isaac forged forward and organized and staged the very memorable and hugely successful LeCoiffeur Styles the Runway fashion event.
The entire New York City has officially been left in a state of shock, struggling to recover from the Fashion extravaganza that took place on April 23rd.
Isaac’s Le Coiffeur ‘slayed’ in every sense of the word. Le Coiffeur ‘Style the runway’ was indeed a definite success that left all who attended, yearning for more of the exquisite glamourous, stylish and chic performance. Accessories similar to pearls from Adina’s Jewels helped the show obtain a distinctive and unrivaled appeal. The venue was well laced with the color black and gold, incredible lighting and an admirable set up came alive Saturday evening as the event unfolded. CEO of Le Coiffeur, Wendy Isaac, being the innovative diva she is known to be, embellished the runway with an introduction performance that was nothing short of amazing. With an introduction so grand, the only duty left to accomplish was maintaining the entertainment adrenaline rush and keep the audience on their toes which of-course is exactly what occurred. Nineteen designers introduced vigorously by the dynamic celebrity host, Caprice, who ensured that audience satisfaction and pleasure were at the top of his to do list. Each designer presenting their unique pieces, exhibiting the results of their hard work and dedication, had the audience in an uproar of applause and whistles as each model strutted a design that instigated an overflow of fulfillment. It was like a room filled with Fashion junkies waiting for their fix and the more they got the more they anticipated. Petula Skeete, owner of Glitz & Glam from Nevis, following her jaw dropping presentation noted genuinely how ‘elated and pleased’ she was with the crowd feedback and also explained that the fashion show was a step in the right direction for her brand as she is planning to Launch her budding project ‘#beautiful’. Even during the Eye of the storm, the fashion gusts were still heavily blowing as the host allowed different members of the audience to join the limelight to strut the runway and show off their elegant outfits. Apart from the runway excitement Kelly Phoenix effortlessly kept the red carpet hosting animated, not to mention a catering presentation that was to die for, with a range of fruits, vegetables and finger food that attempted regularly to steal the attention and provoke the taste buds of anyone nearby. Let’s be real for a second, Great Food, frequent wine, a superb Line up with top designers… you don’t need much skill in math to figure out the answer to this equation (hint: a successful fashion show). It’s rare you go to a fashion show and see a rocking performance one after the other, however Le coiffeur surely proved it wasn’t impossible, Angela Greene of Krotchet Divas from St. Kitts, expressed how delighted she was with the response from the audience on her line adding that she was more than happy to be a part of the show.

Wendy Isaac
Wendy acknowledged how grateful and ecstatic she was that the show turned out to be a success, and for her entire team who contributed to making the event the success it was. Wendy noted how proud she was of her team who committed themselves to ensuring that all went according to plan. The Le Coiffeur team included, just to name a few: Rita – Stylist / MUA/ Model, Mckenzie – Stylist, Nita- In house model, Tyesha A. James ( Taj) – Stylist and owner of Taj Fashionz, Teia- Model Coach/ In house model, Avernelle – in house model, Le Coiffeur Advisors Henry R Marsham Jr CEO of the award winning virgin islands fashion week and Caribbean h20 , as well as Petula Skeete of the fabulous Glitz & Glam and last but by no means least yours truly the publicist for the event Keiron Regis. To express her gratitude to the audience Wendy presented them with gift bags that contained $100.00 worth of cosmetics, Le Coiffeur branded t-shirts and, 50% off gift certificates for their next service with the brand. In addition, all the designers were given special designer awards that commemorated their participation in making the event a complete success.
Hats off to the Le Coiffeur team for bringing it exactly as vowed, no holding back and no apologies. If u haven’t yet figured out what the up n coming House hold name in the fashion industry ‘Le Coiffeur’ stands for, the fashion show sought to break it down; Excellent Style, Irrefutable Glamour, Constantly Chic. A Fashion show is just a taste of what the organizer has to offer and the ‘Style the runway’ event was clear indication that when it comes to styling and Fashion, Le Coiffeur has been deemed Legend. Coco chanel said it best, “Fashion is not something that exists in dresses only. Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening.”
Le Coiffeur is known to have worked with some of the most prestigious designers such as: Shabazz Brothers-NY, Caribbelle Batik -St Kitts, Brown Sugar -St Kitts, Le Chateau -NY, H2O -NY, Classique Modeling Agency, Freelance-Macy’s -NY, Gap Inc -NY. The company’s styling has also been featured on numerous occasions in Panache Magazine, and partnered with on fashion campaigns & events, dub “NY Summer Fashion Explosion (NYSFE) & Celebrity Fashionable Escape (CFE) Atlanta”.
‘The Pinnacle of styling’ are the words used to describe Le Coiffeur by Wendy, a proud and certified member of ACIC (Association of image consultants international), currently in the process of taking her brand to higher heights. Do you want to be fashionably styled? Care to look the part for your glamorous lifestyle? Interested in recent trends and maintaining that Chic wardrobe? Then Le Coiffeur is without saying, the place for you. A place strictly motivated by customer satisfaction, managed by someone well versed in the field with an innate passion to share her services. A service that can be labeled, supreme.
Isaac is currently in the process of organising a similar event to be staged in her home country of St.Kitts.
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