St.Kitts-Nevis Rocked by 4th Murder 4 weeks


The Federation of St.Kitts Nevis continues to reel from a spate of murders which has shocked , saddened and outraged the twin island nation. Kevin Newman alias “Broadie” a 37 year old bus driver was the latest victim of a series of murders which has taken place over the last month . Newman was the 4th murder in 4 weeks and the 36th murder in the last 22 months.
Broadie was shot and killed in an apparent robbery. It is being reported that he was shot in the head . The incident took place in an area known as White Gate just outside the village of St.Pauls. Another bus driver escaped a robbery attempt in that same area some weeks ago.
In 2011 St.Kitts Nevis was ranked as the most murderous country in the world with the highest number of murders per capita. Since January 2013 the federation has recorded some 36 murders at a rate of almost 2 per month. With 21 Murders in 2013 and 15 murders so far in 2014.
Of the 36 murders less very few has been solved or detected.

1 Comment on St.Kitts-Nevis Rocked by 4th Murder 4 weeks

  1. It’s ashame of what I’m hearing and reading about little St.Kitts i was born there and it’s ashame I don’t want to come back there to live again. While growing up there thing was different , the government use to act different. I don’t know what the Labour Party is doing, it is falling apart. Denzil Douglas has to do better. If the crime is committed by foreigner prison the them deport them. I think it’s best to bring back capital punishment. Innocent lives are loss because crime to the prime minister is like oil to water off his back and that a shame.

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