St.Kitts-Nevis Prime Minister Harris Uses Inaugural UN Address To Make Pitch For Taiwan

UN Summit Adopts Post-2015 Development Agenda. This is the view of the General Assembly Hall following the adoption. Photo: UN Photo/Cia Pak
In his maiden Address as the Prime Minister of St.Kitts-Nevis Dr. Timothy Harris has sounded a clarion call to the 70TH UN General Assembly for the inclusion of the Republic of China on Taiwan in matters of importance relating to climate change, environmental and other issues.,
Dr. Harris highlighted Taiwan’s experience in renewable energy technology and urged the assembly to tap into their knowledge and experience and invite them to and engage them on issues regarding climate change .
“The response to climate change requires input from all nations large and small. Taiwan with its advanced renewable energy technologies should be allowed to participate in relevant international meetings and mechanisms such as the UNFCCC and the UN Environmental Assembly,” PM Harris told the 193 member Assembly
Prime Minister Harris also called on the Assembly for more help for small islands states like St. Kitts and Nevis and suggested that the promotion of these countries merely on per capita income as the measuring stick, is imprudent.
Prime Minister Dr. Harris stated that “…..notwithstanding our bilateral partnerships for effective and inclusive development and the work we are doing locally; none of our countries can do it alone. We need real support to implement the 2030 Agenda. Therefore, international financing for sustainable development has to be an overarching priority. Better south-south, north-south and triangular cooperation is necessary.
Serious consideration should be given to the proposals advanced by the Commonwealth Finance Ministers who repeatedly stressed the importance of finding innovative strategies for helping small developing states gain access to international sources of funding.
Dominica’s devastation by Tropical Storm Erika highlights the vulnerability of SIDS and why development cannot be taken for granted. It also makes a cogent point that the graduation of SIDS on basis of per capita income is imprudent in the context of our vulnerability.
Over the last 15 years, we learned valuable lessons. We observed that success requires continuing commitment, institutional backing, adequate financing and effective implementation. Today, we have an opportunity to build on the gains of the MDG process. How we proceed will determine whether future generations look back at this the 70th year as a genuine watershed or simply another missed opportunity.
This United Nations has proven its mettle in the past and it can rise to the challenge again.”
Dr Harris concluded his maiden address as Prime Minister to the UN Assembly by expressing optimism for the future relationship between the United Nation and each of their member nations particularly SID

Prime Minister of Saint Kitts and Nevis Addresses Summit on Sustainable Development
Timothy Harris, Prime Minister of Saint Kitts and Nevis, addresses the United Nations summit for the adoption of the post-2015 development agenda.
26 September 2015
United Nations, New York
PM Harris concluded “I am optimistic. The world has cause for optimism. St. Kitts and Nevis supports this process, these Goals and the ideals of our United Nations. We will therefore play our active role in creating a sustainable future for all.”
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