St.Kitts-Nevis PM determined to change boundaries in last ditch effort to save administration



While sitting on a now 21 month Old Motion of No Confidence , commanding only Minority support in Parliament and a recent court ruling which declared a report and proposed boundary changes null and void,  St.Kitts-Nevis Prime Minister Dr. Denzil Douglas still seems determined to pursue said boundary changes.

A July 31 court ruling declared a Boundaries Commission report intended to facilitate the proposed changes null and void. However both Dr Douglas and Attorney General Jason Hamilton have been indicating that the Commission intends to revisit the matter. It is reported that a meeting was scheduled for this week but has since been postponed. Prime Minister Douglas made it known at a recent town hall meeting that the recent Court decision was not the end of the matter.

According to local political observers PM Douglas’ determination to pursue boundary changes is no surprise as it provides his administration with the only situation which provides a glimmer of hope to survive the upcoming elections.

The Opposition Alliance of three major political parties known as Team UNITY enjoys the support of a majority of MP’s and it’s leader Dr. Timothy Harris has been identified as the persons whom they support as Leader of the Tri-party alliance.

Recent polls shows that Dr. Harris enjoys a massive 70% plus favourability rating as the next Prime MINISTER .

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