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2020 was an UNPRECEDENTED year not only in St.Kitts-Nevis but Internationally. The COVID-19 Pandemic changed and impacted the world in a way only a handful may have ever predicted. The pandemic consumed and dominated the lives of all Nationals and Residents. Hundreds lost their jobs as the Tourist industry came to a screeching halt. These trying times however brought out the best in our people and their were some persons who stood out .
Equally their were some significant and unprecedented political occurrences that has forever changed the political landscape of the federation. The comprehensive and landslide victory of the Team Unity in the midst of managing the worst pandemic in 100 plus years is indeed a significant achievement. The nature of the victory also made it a historic one with unprecedented changes in two constituencies.
2020 say philanthropy taken to new and very welcomed heights with persons giving selfelslly to assist in the fight against COVID-19 and in the relief of our people.
These are the PERSONS of the Year for 2020 in no particular order:
Ernest Amory- Businessman took Philanthropy to another level with huge acts of giving with his contribution to the COVID-19 Managenent and relief as well as the distribution of over 7,000 free lunches during the latter half of 2020 and the distribution of 3 loafs of bread to everyone adversely affected by COVID.

-Akilah Byron-Nisbett- History maker as she became the first female politician to win the West Basseterre Constituency and also the first individual to win that seat running on a NON SKN Labour Party ticket. In other words she was able to become the first NON-SKNLP Candidate to with the historic seat and thus became the first non SKNLP Candidate to represent Const 3 .

-Robelto TANGO Glasgow- The well known Business Leader and Philanthropist in 2020 continued and again displayed his philanthropic nature as a Business man who shows tremendous care and compassion for his fellowman. During the latter part of 2020 Glasgow came across a family in Sandy Point and was shocked by their living conditions . Without a second thought Glasgow committed to improving the conditions of the family and immediately committed his own financial and other resources and choraled a number of other business men, gov’t officials and ordinary citizens to significantly improve the family’s condition by constructing a brand new home.

-Abdias Samuels – Became a household name a result of his exceptional management or coordination of the fight against COVID-19.

-Everton Powell – The Social Media Blogger was once again a major mover and shaker. His daily posts often triggers change and discussion at a national level. With over 11,000 followers on Facebook and thousands more on other Social Media outlets the man known as the BIG BAD BLOGGER was a major force in the social media scene in St.Kitts-Nevis. The St.Kitts-Nevis social media landscape is easily one of the most vibrant in the region and Powell is a significant part of that.

– Dr. Hon. Timothy Harris – His tremendous management of the country during the worst pandemic in over 100 years whilst leading his team unity to a historic 9-2 landslide victory in the 2020 June 5th elections solidified his legacy as one of the great leaders in the Caribbean. No other country in the OECS and even the wide Caribbean has been as well managed as St.Kitts-Nevis over the last 5 years and 2020 proved to be no different .

-Shannon Hawley – Her selection as the new carnival Chair immediately saw a rejuvenation of sorts in the annual festival despite the ever present COVID-19 PANDEMIC . Her moves to pursue a virtual and scaled down version of our festival was met with some skepticism. However the unprecedented carnival turned out to be a massive success despite the limitations. It broke online viewing records and took carnival to its biggest audience ever with millions viewing worldwide

– Dr. Hazel Laws- Intelligent, Calm , beautiful and highly credible. She became a household name in 2020 as she became the voice everyone would listen for when seeking information and updates on COVID-19. She was firm and resolute in her decisions which were not always met with agreement but always resulted in the successful management of COVID-19 in St.Kitts-Nevis .

-Dr. Cameron Wilkinson- The tough hard-nosed yet easy going, highly personable and highly respected Medical Chief of Staff at the JNF became one of the critical tri- focal point of the COVI-19 Pandemic Cordination in St.Kitts along with Dr. Hazel Laws and Abddias Samuel. Dr. Wilkinson guided , informed and enlightened thee federation as it chartered the unprecedented waters of COVID-19. His leadership has resulted in the federation of St.Kitts-Nevis being considered as the country with the LOWEST COVID-19 Risk in the Hemisphere

-Dr Judy Nisbett – heads the Nevis COVID-19 Task Force with distinction. Nevis, amongst all the Caribbean, continues to shine as an example of how they’ve managed the COVID-19 pandemic in an effective way. She has been lauded by all for her work in managing the pandemic on Nevis which initially recorded four cases, but then went several months without any additional cases up until the borders were re-opened.

– Alexis Jeffers- Made Political history by becoming the first Non NRP Candidate to win the Nevis 11 seat in the St.Kitts-Nevis GENERAL Elections. Jeffers not only won but did so convincingly. His win along with the unprecedented win of Hon. Akila Byron-Nisbett has significantly changed and impacted the political landscape in the federation.
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